New Mod: T2 Instagib
I just finished a little instagib mod. Like quake and unreal style instagib it features an instakill weapon. Unlike those however this weapon is projectile based to make it a bit more challenging to connect with it, due to the large amount of open spaces in t2 I felt that was necessary. The projectile is direct damage only and very fast but will still require some leading and feel to use it well(roughly 3x the speed of a classic disc).
Light armor is the only one available.
Instagib Rocket, elf, and disc are the only useable weapons.
Disc has had all damage removed but still retains the impulse from classic for disc jumping, limit 4 discs with no ammo pack 8 with.
ELF is unchanged.
Cloak Pack removed, all other packs available in light armor, and unchanged.
Hand grenade removed, others remain unchanged.
Mines removed, no radius damage weapons so it would be too hard to clear flag.
Vehicles unchanged aside from players now being unprotected while mounted with the exception of the mpb.
Mod built from classic scripts so skiing and jetting are unchanged from that mod.
All players killed with instagib weapon will explode on death with a little blood particle trailing from the pieces for a good instagib feel.
Thats about all I can think of right now there may be something minor that I forgot but you get the idea.
Currently running a 12 man ctf server ruleset t2instagib ip
Light armor is the only one available.
Instagib Rocket, elf, and disc are the only useable weapons.
Disc has had all damage removed but still retains the impulse from classic for disc jumping, limit 4 discs with no ammo pack 8 with.
ELF is unchanged.
Cloak Pack removed, all other packs available in light armor, and unchanged.
Hand grenade removed, others remain unchanged.
Mines removed, no radius damage weapons so it would be too hard to clear flag.
Vehicles unchanged aside from players now being unprotected while mounted with the exception of the mpb.
Mod built from classic scripts so skiing and jetting are unchanged from that mod.
All players killed with instagib weapon will explode on death with a little blood particle trailing from the pieces for a good instagib feel.
Thats about all I can think of right now there may be something minor that I forgot but you get the idea.
Currently running a 12 man ctf server ruleset t2instagib ip
For those of you who enjoyed the instagib style ctf games of unreal and quake give it a try hopefully youll enjoy it.
Tonight at 10:30 I'm gonna check this out.
I might have some ideas for you to tweak the mod later if you don't mind
I don't know how well this would work outdoors.
I've been fooling around with this mod for little bit now and am pretty happy with the outcome. The most current version and most likely last version is now available on my site
Here is a quick review of the end product.
Light armor only
Cloak and Shield removed
Other packs unchanged(lights can use all packs, invos etc.)
Light armor attributes same as classic
Instagib Rocket, proj based instagib weapon.
Emp Shocklance, rather than damaging, emp's target for ten secs, will stack.
Elf, unchanged
Disc, Damage removed, retains impulse for DJ's ammo count 4
Emp Laser Rifle, emp's target for 10 secs and conccusses the FC knocking the flag out of their grasp. does no damage, Requires full energy bar to fire.
Suicide Bomb, takes a grenade slot kills user and anything aorund you for 25m, -10 points for the suicide.
Grenade, removed others unchanged.
Vehicles, unchanged but players no longer protected when mounted aside from the MPB.
Turrets unchanged, I didnt know how turrets would work with this style of gameplay. I kind of wanted to remove them for that player vs player feel but decided to leave them in. Added some code for admins however so they can disable the turret auto tracking if they want, good for bot matches. $Host::AutoTurretOff = 1;//disable turret tracking, user can still control via the c screen.
AI will use the modded weapons, not the suicide bomb or disc but the others they seem to know what to do with ::)
Mod was built from Classic.
Thats the gist theres probably other shit I am missing but you get the idea.
I dunno if it was a script that was interfering with anything, but it was hard as shit to aim... (still got 9 kills on those autoaiming bots though...)
Sniper and Lance worked fine...
DM would be a riot.
If you want, I could probably write a script that makes the Spinfusor not deal damage against the player using it, or do like LakRabbit does and give a player a limited number of damage-free discjumps per life.
differently than a classic ctf match.
I think on its own the mod would be fun with a relatively small group of people. Unfortunately for me, your right. This mod when played in large doses will completely fuck up your timing due to the high speed of the rocket. But on the other hand stripping it down to just the disc in its classic state would be harder than hell and not as much fun. I do wish I would of thought of this before I started working on the mod
I really wanna play with this, anyone have a working version of it?