Thyth update from Friday Nov. 7th
Copied from Construct forums.
I've finished the 1.0 version of the DLL distribution for the patch. All of the functionality (process isolated Ruby execution, hard coded RSA keys, LAN connection patch) is in, is tested, and should be working. I have sent the relevant files to Krash for testing on his machine (since I have a ton of development libraries installed on this computer which may be indirectly required by my DLLs).
Since fewer things are left than are done, I'll provide a list of things that still need to be completed.
-Auth server is sufficiently functional for development and testing purposes. I have not yet implemented the IP limiter on account signing requests, but other than that, most of the functionality has been tested and it works. There may be some minor bugs left, but those can only be tested for once the client GUIs and integration are complete.
-I still need to finish implementing the IP inclusive nonce fix as described earlier in this thread. The IP component of the nonce is sent in both directions, but neither the client nor server check the component for sanity. The sanity check design is figured out, it is just a matter of writing it in.
-I need to use the Ruby API to complete the client side account storage system. The account data needs to be stored within the GameData directory, rather than under base to prevent issues reading/writing to it when running multiple mods, and to prevent accidental modification or access via the TorqueScript file API.
-I need to write the TorqueScript network interface to the authentication server. The authentication server communication protocol has been designed and implemented on the authentication server side, so this isn't so much difficult as it is tedious.
After the above list is complete, Krash will have sufficient information to interface my backend scripts with the GUIs that he has created. Assuming my backend scripts are implemented correctly, the only things left after the GUIs are done are testing, packaging into an installer, and distribution.
We're getting close, but I don't want to commit to a release date yet, since I've set tentative dates repeatedly over the last few weeks that have come and gone. I'll keep posting updates to this thread as I finish the items on that list.
End of Post
Outrage! We must get Tribes back up and make you waste your time!