i said.. t2 tryouts/outsiders take a look in this community
and heard base-pb`s say: base is it (dissrespecting classic?)
and classic-pb`s say: classic is it (dissrespecting base?)
..i will tell you what tryouts see :freaks (dissing her own game)
..tryouts dont understand mods as well (called in common words..base,classic) they see 1 game nothing else..
@ these first tryout they see..made them see us as dissing their own game what would these tryouts like to do ?
..buy counter strike?
..i hope you see what i mean
I really salute your attempt to communicate in another language other than your own (because God knows I don't have the capability to do it myself)... but so far we're failing to find a middle ground here.
ZORN p!chi welcome to the tribesnext community.May I ask where your from?
To stay on topic you video isnt that bad I have seen worse maybe put it back to normal speed and add some more content.There are some nice shots in there.
Dont worry about the music put in whatever you want its your video not theres.
of course ..sounds friendly^^..im from westberlin
you know this town is the opposite from the country where this town is capitol from ^^
ZORN p!chi welcome to the tribesnext community.May I ask where your from?
To stay on topic you video isnt that bad I have seen worse maybe put it back to normal speed and add some more content.There are some nice shots in there.
Dont worry about the music put in whatever you want its your video not theres.
of course ..sounds friendly^^..im from westberlin
you know this town is the opposite from the country where this town is capitol from ^^
Awesome man my parents are actually taking a trip there at the end of the week so they will be in your part of the world.They will be in Berlin sometime next week for 3 days.
i said.. t2 tryouts/outsiders take a look in this community
and heard base-pb`s say: base is it (dissrespecting classic?)
and classic-pb`s say: classic is it (dissrespecting base?)
..i will tell you what tryouts see :freaks (dissing her own game)
..tryouts dont understand mods as well (called in common words..base,classic) they see 1 game nothing else..
@ these first tryout they see..made them see us as dissing their own game what would these tryouts like to do ?
..buy counter strike?
..i hope you see what i mean
from what I get He doesnt understand why base people are dissing classic and classic people are dissing base.That they just see tribes as one game not two different mods.Then I think he suggests you go buy counter strike am I right?
i said.. t2 tryouts/outsiders take a look in this community
and heard base-pb`s say: base is it (dissrespecting classic?)
and classic-pb`s say: classic is it (dissrespecting base?)
..i will tell you what tryouts see :freaks (dissing her own game)
..tryouts dont understand mods as well (called in common words..base,classic) they see 1 game nothing else..
@ these first tryout they see..made them see us as dissing their own game what would these tryouts like to do ?
..buy counter strike?
..i hope you see what i mean
from what I get He doesnt understand why base people are dissing classic and classic people are dissing base.That they just see tribes as one game not two different mods.Then I think he suggests you go buy counter strike am I right?
noooooooooooooooo dont buy cs burn it down this morronsgame^^
well if you like classic more than base tell tryouts not: base is bad
if you like base more then classic tell tryouts not : classic is bad
it looks like idk!!!^^
weisst du es könnte doch gut sein, das für aussenstehende ein
von der eigenen community schlechtgeredetes spiel wie eine community von freaks
also wenn base`ler so borniert wie ich sind, wenn ich will und classic schlechtreden und die classics umgekehrt die baseler schlechtreden..versucht das GUTE zu sehen!
ich meine das wäre hilfreich für eine reanimation/wiederbelebung von tribes 2
wenn es jemals wieder dieses glorreiche spiel
in ZUKUNFT für eine breite Masse geben soll?
(ohne die Masse gehts nicht wie wir alle ohnehin schon längst gemerkt haben?)
ich bezweifle das zwar stak das es jemals wieder eine breite masse geben wird aber ich hoffe es..
Denkt doch mal an die kinder was sollen die nur ohne tribes machen^^?! ::)
He said:
You know, it could be that for people out of the community (non T2 players) a game that is made bad from it's players ( base lovers saing classic is shit and the other way around ) could seem like a big community of freaks.... or a game for freaks. TRY TO LOOK AT THE GOOD OF BOTH! or TRY TO FIND SOMETHING POSITIVE! It would help to reanimete the game ... if you want to have it avaliable for the masses in the future too. Without those masses it's not working anyhow, as we all have noticed?
I don't belive that there will be a community like it used to be... but I hope. Just think of the children... what will they do without T2? ::)
Just in case my "word to word" transaltion wasnt good enough.... the point is: Non T2 players come to this forum and see T2 players saing T2 is total shit ( 'cause they don't know anything about mods) Then they go buy CS ;D
Es tut mir leid, aber mein Deutsch is sehr schlecht. Wie ist Berlin heute? I habe in WestBerlin 7 Jahre gewohnen, vom 87 bis 94, mit die Amerikanische Armee (Nachrichtenwesen). Ich habe am Teufelsberg arbeitet.
Es tut mir leid, aber mein Deutsch is sehr schlecht. Wie ist Berlin heute? I habe in WestBerlin 7 Jahre gewohnen, vom 87 bis 94, mit die Amerikanische Armee (Nachrichtenwesen). Ich habe am Teufelsberg arbeitet.
when you speak german for me then i will do my best in english
^^ nice..berlin is hmmhatelove.. sometimes to much
..i thank you for saving my familypb`s *salute*(my german is bad too)
(my parents arn`t german)
and i will thank you for saving our asses from russia
isnt it so?..russia (@today) is closely the same?
..you said: you worked as soldier at the teufelsberg armybase..well
this base wich we called the moshee from westend
while the roof is a ball .. well this building is broke and i sprayed there
sry to tell you that^^
..nice weather today
..nice bitches down on street 8)
ok cya
i said.. t2 tryouts/outsiders take a look in this community
and heard base-pb`s say: base is it (dissrespecting classic?)
and classic-pb`s say: classic is it (dissrespecting base?)
..i will tell you what tryouts see :freaks (dissing her own game)
..tryouts dont understand mods as well (called in common words..base,classic) they see 1 game nothing else..
@ these first tryout they see..made them see us as dissing their own game what would these tryouts like to do ?
..buy counter strike?
..i hope you see what i mean
from what I get He doesnt understand why base people are dissing classic and classic people are dissing base.That they just see tribes as one game not two different mods.Then I think he suggests you go buy counter strike am I right?
noooooooooooooooo dont buy cs burn it down this morronsgame^^
well if you like classic more than base tell tryouts not: base is bad
if you like base more then classic tell tryouts not : classic is bad
it looks like idk!!!^^
hey cruel! man its bee na while, remember nuttbuster from swoops movies? :P
oh and back on topic, (there's like 3 of them in this thread.)
1. Movie was cool, short, and too slow for my preference but the shots were, regardless, good.
2. I agree with Pichi, t2 has turned into a group of elitest, wether you believe it or not, a community of people who've been playing this game for countless years think that their way is the right way. but its just different preferences that get us to these kinds of threads.
hm, since the last remaining euro t2 ppl only played cluster mixies, i also tried the classic physics long ago. (before i only played base)
and hey, its like the op (wanted) 2 say. its rly stupid to judge a game by his physics (mods)
i rly enjoy tr2, but i can understand if ppl dont like it because of its style. now that i know classic, i can say, i like both base and classic.
classic is fast, and it can be over rly fast. it seems its only about offense (no cw exp, so forgive me if im wrong), and capouts can happen very fast.
base is the opposit of that, but hey, i can say, i enjoy both of the mods, and i even enjoy cluster, if i wanna have some quick games with at least "some" tactic (unlike goon pub gaming )
i rly hate duel, arena and lak, and still i play it sometimes. ppl should RLY be more tolerate right now, the community is so small, we should rly stop the hatred.
oh and one thing about base, maybe the ppl dont like it because of the snipe/chain whoring.
i can understand it, but i can remember, when we played base ladder, not alot ppl had broadband cons/low ping in the euro teams, so this whoring was not such a big problem, and alot teams played with Heavy based tacs. maybe thats why euros are more tolerate with base then the us guys
back 2 topic, i dont like movies with overused slowmo.... but hey, better then just dissing movies form others... and music is always taste....
ok :-X
i said.. t2 tryouts/outsiders take a look in this community
and heard base-pb`s say: base is it (dissrespecting classic?)
and classic-pb`s say: classic is it (dissrespecting base?)
..i will tell you what tryouts see :freaks (dissing her own game)
..tryouts dont understand mods as well (called in common words..base,classic) they see 1 game nothing else..
@ these first tryout they see..made them see us as dissing their own game what would these tryouts like to do ?
..buy counter strike?
..i hope you see what i mean
well if you like classic more than base tell tryouts not: base is bad
if you like base more then classic tell tryouts not : classic is bad
it looks like idk!!!^^
He said:
You know, it could be that for people out of the community (non T2 players) a game that is made bad from it's players ( base lovers saing classic is shit and the other way around ) could seem like a big community of freaks.... or a game for freaks. TRY TO LOOK AT THE GOOD OF BOTH! or TRY TO FIND SOMETHING POSITIVE! It would help to reanimete the game ... if you want to have it avaliable for the masses in the future too. Without those masses it's not working anyhow, as we all have noticed?
I don't belive that there will be a community like it used to be... but I hope. Just think of the children... what will they do without T2? ::)
Just in case my "word to word" transaltion wasnt good enough.... the point is: Non T2 players come to this forum and see T2 players saing T2 is total shit ( 'cause they don't know anything about mods) Then they go buy CS ;D
I think i got it right
just a bit too late xD
Hallo Zorn.
Es tut mir leid, aber mein Deutsch is sehr schlecht. Wie ist Berlin heute? I habe in WestBerlin 7 Jahre gewohnen, vom 87 bis 94, mit die Amerikanische Armee (Nachrichtenwesen). Ich habe am Teufelsberg arbeitet.
Who or what the hell is a damn tryout??? omg...
hey cruel! man its bee na while, remember nuttbuster from swoops movies? :P
oh and back on topic, (there's like 3 of them in this thread.)
1. Movie was cool, short, and too slow for my preference but the shots were, regardless, good.
2. I agree with Pichi, t2 has turned into a group of elitest, wether you believe it or not, a community of people who've been playing this game for countless years think that their way is the right way. but its just different preferences that get us to these kinds of threads.
ello! cya in t2 servers soon
and hey, its like the op (wanted) 2 say. its rly stupid to judge a game by his physics (mods)
i rly enjoy tr2, but i can understand if ppl dont like it because of its style. now that i know classic, i can say, i like both base and classic.
classic is fast, and it can be over rly fast. it seems its only about offense (no cw exp, so forgive me if im wrong), and capouts can happen very fast.
base is the opposit of that, but hey, i can say, i enjoy both of the mods, and i even enjoy cluster, if i wanna have some quick games with at least "some" tactic (unlike goon pub gaming
i rly hate duel, arena and lak, and still i play it sometimes. ppl should RLY be more tolerate right now, the community is so small, we should rly stop the hatred.
oh and one thing about base, maybe the ppl dont like it because of the snipe/chain whoring.
i can understand it, but i can remember, when we played base ladder, not alot ppl had broadband cons/low ping in the euro teams, so this whoring was not such a big problem, and alot teams played with Heavy based tacs. maybe thats why euros are more tolerate with base then the us guys
back 2 topic, i dont like movies with overused slowmo.... but hey, better then just dissing movies form others... and music is always taste....