After creating a new account using the RSA 1024 encryption, I clicked the join tab. After 4 server names came up, I got the "No Response Connection Failed. The IRC Server did not respond" error message". Does anyone know what this is supposed to mean?
You should be able to safely ignore that.
Extract ChatGui.cs from scripts.vl2 and change the line
// IRCClient::notify(IDIRC_ERR_TIMEOUT);
Copy the new ChatGui.cs to GameData/base/scripts and delete GameData/base/scripts/ChatGui.cs.dso.
I didn't have the exact line of code mentioned - and I also didn't have a previous chatGui.cs.dso file to replace. I used the weaker encryption when making an account so I don't know if that matters - i doubt it. this issue is plaguing my gameplay. I only have the Panama Jack all-in-one script pack loaded and it sounds like many others here do too. This is a game related issue. Any solutions other than the one mentioned above?