I did play organised CTF games a while back on the t2.eu servers, but that stopped after a while.
Now all there is are duel / arena / lak in zorn which everyone in t2.eu seems to be good at (except me ) and no ctf can be supplied unless you have 7 v 7 at least.
So for now I'll stick to GH. Most of the time there is little / no lagg after I did a thorough clean of your PC even though i had like 200 ping. So if you want follow this through and see if it helps:
Also, try to limit the amount of other processes running on your PC like downloading, burning, converting etc. (used to run all 3 processes at once and get mega lagg).
Otherwise I may pop on for a quick lak or so but it won't be my main gameplay on tribes 2. It always has been and always will be ctf.
Otherwise, good luck gathering the european servers and I'd like to have back the 10 v 10 and up games we used to play (remember darky? ) that was a load of fun and I learnt much from them (before them, I didn't know the general positions like LO LD HO etc etc. so didn't know what to do / be).
its easy, most ppl play lak only 1 or 2 times, and then its getting boring. (unless u are a whore like silvergirl, ara...)
and no one plays ctf, AND it woulnt be that fun, because alot maps of the new pack suck, AND base isnt fun anymore because all snipe and chain whore
so, even if the 30v30 boon defense only 200ping us server isnt the best, its more fun then 5 rounds lak
but i would play some TR2 or cluster or even base ctf but with more ppl its just that for ctf arent enough ppl left, and as i said, lak gets boring after 1,2 rounds...
and no one likes tr2
we barely have any cluster players left, most dont even wanna play classic even though it would be easier to get a game going.
what we have is about 30 base players, everyone saying they would play ctf if theres enough players but nobody's making an effort.
no irc, no game, and on posting here - hidden in 2 sub forums wont help a thing, if we had 30 players who really want to play then things would be different, its more like 1/4th wantrs to play and the rest is like "well if i stumbled across a server with 63 players and my ping is below 50 then i may join if i feel like it".
haha the forum had no spam protection at all, no wonder....
we euros failed at keeping tries alive, because the community even played all three mods (cluster base classic) when only a handfull ppl where left.
i was also base only, but then i saw the daily cluster mixies, and switched now that im used to it, i rather play classic then base, because the only ppl left are chain and snipe abusers
and that would kill base...
however, i doubt we will get something beside occasionly some lak rounds...
Anything changed? Any EU games, more than 10 people were played?
I dont know what is wrong.... many US players, but ppl in EU forget about tribes? The last activity i've seen was T2 revival forum, now is closed, any alternative place where one can meed EU players?
... btw, at this time goon heaven have got a monopoly in classic CTF, maybe that's the main reason why community isn't spreaded on other servers? What if goon heaven go offline? Ppl go to other servers, or just wait till goon heaven will be online?
well, the eu com is, unlike the US, splitted in base cluster and classic.
so, alot ppl wont play base ctf, and base ppl dont want fast classic. thats why only lak and arena is beeing played on CM. oh, and sometimes tr2, but i always miss that...
Its time, after months of downtime, its here again - the european T2 board http://shazbot.eu/forum/index.php
Get over there and we'll have some games going on soon again
I did play organised CTF games a while back on the t2.eu servers, but that stopped after a while.
Now all there is are duel / arena / lak in zorn which everyone in t2.eu seems to be good at (except me
So for now I'll stick to GH. Most of the time there is little / no lagg after I did a thorough clean of your PC even though i had like 200 ping. So if you want follow this through and see if it helps:
Also, try to limit the amount of other processes running on your PC like downloading, burning, converting etc. (used to run all 3 processes at once and get mega lagg).
Otherwise I may pop on for a quick lak or so but it won't be my main gameplay on tribes 2. It always has been and always will be ctf.
Otherwise, good luck gathering the european servers and I'd like to have back the 10 v 10 and up games we used to play (remember darky?
If you find a populated euro CTF server around give me a call though.
and no one plays ctf, AND it woulnt be that fun, because alot maps of the new pack suck, AND base isnt fun anymore because all snipe and chain whore
so, even if the 30v30 boon defense only 200ping us server isnt the best, its more fun then 5 rounds lak
but i would play some TR2 or cluster or even base ctf but with more ppl
and no one likes tr2
Dont insult my girlfriend :<
(not you, Araporn, you sick person)
what we have is about 30 base players, everyone saying they would play ctf if theres enough players but nobody's making an effort.
no irc, no game, and on posting here - hidden in 2 sub forums wont help a thing, if we had 30 players who really want to play then things would be different, its more like 1/4th wantrs to play and the rest is like "well if i stumbled across a server with 63 players and my ping is below 50 then i may join if i feel like it".
Now, if it would be that easy...
We once had a forum a while ago, who knows what happened to that... All that's left is a simple line:
we euros failed at keeping tries alive, because the community even played all three mods (cluster base classic) when only a handfull ppl where left.
i was also base only, but then i saw the daily cluster mixies, and switched
and that would kill base...
however, i doubt we will get something beside occasionly some lak rounds...
I dont know what is wrong.... many US players, but ppl in EU forget about tribes? The last activity i've seen was T2 revival forum, now is closed, any alternative place where one can meed EU players?
... btw, at this time goon heaven have got a monopoly in classic CTF, maybe that's the main reason why community isn't spreaded on other servers? What if goon heaven go offline? Ppl go to other servers, or just wait till goon heaven will be online?
Yup, the #t2.eu IRC channel on QuakeNet. If something happens concerning EU community, then you'll find out about it there.
Not so many people still, but it seems that there can be more, and some pub CTF can be played
so, alot ppl wont play base ctf, and base ppl dont want fast classic. thats why only lak and arena is beeing played on CM. oh, and sometimes tr2, but i always miss that...
Get over there and we'll have some games going on soon again