Gametype Idea: Flag War

I always thought CTF kinda breaks down when it hits 60 players, so I wanted to invent a new gametype concept for such a massive player count. My goal was to blend Capture the Flag, Team Hunters, and Capture and Hold. This allows a gametype where getting into random skirmishes, capping flags, and working on securing a neutral objective can all help the team. Also, I thought Fuel from T:V was interesting but flawed, so I wanted to come up with a better blueprint than the one made by Irrational Games.
  • Both teams start with 100 flags (appearing as one flag on the team's stand). The goal is to either reach a predetermined number of flags or run the other team out of flags.
  • Light/Medium armors can carry 5 flags, but Heavies can carry 10 flags. The main point of the gametype is to try and grab a bunch of flags and then cash them in at your flag stand or an inventory station.
  • You can steal flags directly from the enemy's flag stand. You're limited to what your armor can carry, and flags grabbed in this way stay on your body until you die or cash them in. Enemies can return these flags by just touching them, since it belonged to them to begin with. (Flags dropped in this way appear as 1 physical flag for up to 5 flags.)
  • Players will drop a new flag into the field when killed by an enemy. Red flags are worth 1 point, while blue flags are worth 2 points. I'm assuming you'll be able to get a blue flag by getting an MA kill or something. Players obviously drop the flags they've been carrying; however, you can't drop more than your armor can carry.
  • I'm going to have a mechanic to mine flags from neutral objectives, but I haven't decided exactly how that'll go yet.

Ideas? Concerns? Any thought that I should put this off until Tribes 3 (lol)?


  • 200 flags speaded on whole map ~~

    Maybe CTF using just one flag? Points scored by the time flag is placed at flag stand.

    Second: something turtlling - one flag, one guy holds the flag (he's scoring points) - rest defending. Vs team try to get the flag to score.

    In both, flag start possition in half way between bases - to make it more fun - in some building hard to get in and take the flag, maybe some forcefields etc. So people don't just rush flag at the beggining, without getting into inv, etc.

    If there's too many people on server, go to other one, dont concentrate on one - more servers populated - more activity - more new player - bigger community :)
  • edited September 2009
    I don't like getting killed while collecting flags.
    But apart from that I like the idea.
  • I think the flag count should be directly related to the amount of players in the server when the game starts.
  • I think this gametype is too advance for us Tribes players.
  • I just had this vision.

    A havoc fills up with 6 complete noobs. They drive to the enemy flag stand. Everyone gets a piece of the flag, and then... they scatter. They scatter and everyone tries to get back home in one piece. 30 points on the line for a massive play.

    It'll never happen.
  • Actually, if a heavy can carry 10 flags, that would be 55 flags (10 each for the heavies & 5 for the medium pilot).
  • edited September 2009
    Think I'll make this (if you're not already), then throw it on Goon Haven for giggles.
  • I had some changes to the final blueprint. I was working on it, but I'm lazy and who knows when I would actually finish.
    • The gametype has been renamed "Hybrid" in honor of the player named Hybrid. Yeah. That's the reason. It couldn't be that naming it Hybrid is the only way to load CTF maps as maps for the gametype. I don't know what you're talking about.
    • Both teams start with 100 flags (appearing as one flag on the team's stand). The goal is to either reach a predetermined number of flags or run the other team out of flags. This number doesn't change because dying doesn't remove flags; the only way to lose flags is if someone steals them from the flag stand.
    • The main point of the gametype is to try and grab a bunch of flags and then cash them in at your flag stand or an inventory station. You can't cash them in at a neutral inventory station though; only ones that started under your control. You must cash at least 5 flags at once.
    • You can only pick up flags dropped in the field if you have less than 5 flags. You can still steal flags from the enemy flag stand or extract from an objective if you've hit this limit. (After getting 5 flags, the game tells you to go cash them in.)
    • You can steal flags directly from the enemy's flag stand. You're limited to 5 flags at once, and flags grabbed in this way cannot be tossed; they stay with you until you die or cash them in. Enemies can return these flags by just touching them, since it belonged to them to begin with. (Flags dropped in this way appear as 1 physical flag.)
    • Players will drop a new team-coded flag into the field when they die. Team-coded flags are removed from play if touched by a teammate, but if you're on the other team you can pick it up and it counts as a new flag in your inventory. Flags picked up in this way will always be dropped as a neutral flag when you die, allowing anyone to pick it back up. A player doesn't drop a team-coded flag if they had 5 flags already.
    • After gaining control of an objective, it will mine for flags on its own. After 15 seconds, the flags are ready for extraction (by touching the objective). The extracting player will get 5 flags, and the 15 second mining phase begins again. If an enemy touches the objective switch, all the flags the switch had are lost and the mining phase starts over again.
    • Heavies that get up to 5 flags will automatically cash them in. This gets around problems with a HO stockpiling flags in the enemy base just to die and give all their flags to the enemy. (This cannot be used to cash in flags stolen from the stand or flags extracted from objectives; flags remember their source.)
  • i would be up for testing this when you have a server up. sounds interesting
  • wow Ive heard of this game before Its hunters with just a limit on the flags you can carry and where you can turn them in at.
  • wow Ive heard of this game before Its hunters with just a limit on the flags you can carry and where you can turn them in at.
    That's where you're wrong. It's TEAM Hunters with a limit on flags, where you can turn them in at, a scoring system that favors cashing in flags immediately instead of trying to get hundreds at a time, the ability to steal from the enemy flag supply directly... yeah, almost exactly the same. And I guess Siege is just Capture and Hold without the Hold part.
  • I could help test this gametype.
  • No the game is HUNTERS and in hunters the more flags you cash in higher your score is,Except instead of flag stands to cap on there is just one Nexus to return the flags.
  • yeah it does sound a bit like hunters, but i'd like to see where this goes. it could turn out really good and spawn a whole new intrest in Tirbes 2 for many people. perhaps making a spicific set of maps for it would be good. My idea would be to make most of the maps indoor with many different hiding spots and paths to alow for some "covert" defence and offence so that the game isn't over in 2 minutes because of one huge base rape.
  • It could be a kewl idea I liked a few hunters maps that had large indoor and outdoor to them I wish I could remember the one we used to play all the time many moons ago like that it was fun as hell.
  • Agents of Fortune?

    Anyway, I'm probably not going to bother with this.
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