Change mission no work

Change mission no work

  • 1..png
  • 2..png
  • 3..png


  • Did you get a bad LakRabbit download? Open up the VL2 and make sure it has missions in it.
  • Did you get a bad LakRabbit download? Open up the VL2 and make sure it has missions in it.


    all mission change no work
  • I take it English isn't your first language.

    What mods do you have running on your server?
  • sorry for my bad english

    mod. LakRabbit , Arena , DuelMod(evoduel), Team Gauntlet
  • Do you run all of those mods at the same time on the same server?

    What is your launch command? (ie: Tribes.exe -mod Classic)
  • Team Gauntlet is known to be problematic. I recommend removing it and trying again.
  • Do you run all of those mods at the same time on the same server?

    What is your launch command? (ie: Tribes.exe -mod Classic)

    yes my launch commands is (tribes.exe -mod Classic)
  • Your maps will not show up in your mission list if your -mod argument isn't set correctly. Use the -mod flag once and then list all of your mods seperated by a semicolons.

    Like this "Tribes2.exe -mod LakRabbit;Arena;DuelMod;TeamGauntlet;Classic"

    You can list as many mods as you like but they all have to be listed in that fashion. Keep in mind that only the first file found will be used when loading multiple mods. For example using the command above, if the LakRabbit mod and the DuelMod both has a script file called "SuperScript.cs" in their scripts directory, then only the first one found will get used. Since LakRabbit is listed first then that's the one that will be used and the DuelMod script will be unused. The same rule applies for maps as well as all other files that share the same file name.
  • Your maps will not show up in your mission list if your -mod argument isn't set correctly. Use the -mod flag once and then list all of your mods seperated by a semicolons.

    Like this "Tribes2.exe -mod LakRabbit;Arena;DuelMod;TeamGauntlet;Classic"

    You can list as many mods as you like but they all have to be listed in that fashion. Keep in mind that only the first file found will be used when loading multiple mods. For example using the command above, if the LakRabbit mod and the DuelMod both has a script file called "SuperScript.cs" in their scripts directory, then only the first one found will get used. Since LakRabbit is listed first then that's the one that will be used and the DuelMod script will be unused. The same rule applies for maps as well as all other files that share the same file name.
    you know nothing about server administration
  • i have classic 1.5.2 and evo 1.2.3c

    EvoCustomMapRotation is disabled

    help me please
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