Online jerks
I haven't played online games much in the last few years. I've been really busy with real life. I did however come across T2 in an old folder and I had a break so I decided to light up T2 to play for a bit. Big mistake.
I have to say, I never noticed how many jerks played online. I would say 1 out of every 3 players are polite and friendly, while the rest are "noob this" or "suck that". After only a few hours of play, I'm left in a sour mood just having to deal with these poor sports. This might be similar to all online games, but like I said, I don't play online games anymore, I like "real life" and in real life, it's just the opposite of T2, most people are not jerks. So, why do people act like such jerks online? Most people are not jerks in real life, why do some think playing online is a free ticket to being a jerk?? Also T2 is a special case: it is close to death.
With T2 having less than 200 active players, I would think that if these players actually enjoyed playing T2, they would realize that acting like jerks makes the game a bad experience for others, and as a result, the community becomes smaller, and brings the end of T2 closer. Yes, I realize some of these players are young, but these concepts are not rocket science - when I was 12 I knew this shit.
So, I miss the old Tribes 2 - the one where you play online and people play for fun - this includes winning, and losing - the game where people were class acts not ass hats. The memory I had of T2 was so much better than this crap we have now. Maybe with the help of the poor sports in this community, T2 is finally dead.
It's ironic how some people act obnoxious but can't understand why no one wants to be near them. So, my question for you: do you play for fun or do you play to own? If you play to own, do you act like a jerk? If you act like a jerk do you think players will enjoy the game and continue playing, or will players leave the game?
This message is for the players who act like jerks - for those who act like class acts, and never act like an online jerk (or very rarely
), I salute you!
I have to say, I never noticed how many jerks played online. I would say 1 out of every 3 players are polite and friendly, while the rest are "noob this" or "suck that". After only a few hours of play, I'm left in a sour mood just having to deal with these poor sports. This might be similar to all online games, but like I said, I don't play online games anymore, I like "real life" and in real life, it's just the opposite of T2, most people are not jerks. So, why do people act like such jerks online? Most people are not jerks in real life, why do some think playing online is a free ticket to being a jerk?? Also T2 is a special case: it is close to death.
With T2 having less than 200 active players, I would think that if these players actually enjoyed playing T2, they would realize that acting like jerks makes the game a bad experience for others, and as a result, the community becomes smaller, and brings the end of T2 closer. Yes, I realize some of these players are young, but these concepts are not rocket science - when I was 12 I knew this shit.
So, I miss the old Tribes 2 - the one where you play online and people play for fun - this includes winning, and losing - the game where people were class acts not ass hats. The memory I had of T2 was so much better than this crap we have now. Maybe with the help of the poor sports in this community, T2 is finally dead.
It's ironic how some people act obnoxious but can't understand why no one wants to be near them. So, my question for you: do you play for fun or do you play to own? If you play to own, do you act like a jerk? If you act like a jerk do you think players will enjoy the game and continue playing, or will players leave the game?
This message is for the players who act like jerks - for those who act like class acts, and never act like an online jerk (or very rarely

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You don't understand. The last person to quit T2 wins.
If you're saying "expect jerks on the internet", that's a fallacy: appeal to common practice. It's too late to explain what this means, I'll elaborate tomorrow lol
Also: ???
Well for me, I really don't enjoy games where people act like jerks. I think many people would agree that a game is much more enjoyable without players acting like jerks.
If someone says to you "you're the dumbest person I know" and I say to that person "well that's overly harsh!", I think you might appreciate my statement, right? What if I were to mind my own business and not say anything? My point is, there's times when people need to point out if someone is being verbally abusive. People who let online jerks be abusive to others are just enabling bad behavior and are part of the issue.
Think of the previous statement where someone says to you: "you're the dumbest person I know" and then everyone else minding their own business, then think of this: "silence is the sound of nobody disagreeing". If you're comfortable with this, think about some young teenager who receives this behavior? As someone said earlier, "welcome to the internet", well some people think being on the internet is a free pass to being a jerk, and they are sorely mistaken.
PS: Sorry for the harsh "you're the dumbest person I know", it's just to prove a point of how extreme some of these comments made in T2 are.
In honor of this thread I created a t2 account: online jerk
Anyone can use it, the password is t2=drama
"I guess it proves my theory about teratoes he does live life wedged up kryands ass."
online jerk 1: Hey oj2, wussup?
online jerk 2: Nada, chillin wif terrortoes an kry, spamin mortars at goons...
You're playing a game where you kill your enemies, the verbal abuse is part of this genre.
Some might use it because they're flustered, others may use it as a tool (get the opponent to come after them instead of guard the flag, etc).
If you don't care for this you can follow Kryands advice (ignore/mute), pick up a cleaner game (Hello Kitty Online), or follow some other path to enlightenment.
Yeah I agree, people hide behind their anonymity to act in ways they wouldn't normally act. The thing is, when a community accepts and enables this type of behavior, the behavior continues. Unfortunately it seems this type of immature behavior in T2 is just normal common practice, regardless of whether it is good "sportsmanship" or not.
I am thankful that over my 15 years of online play (off and on), I've played many other great games, mostly simulators, where the communities were awesome and "online jerks" were ridiculed or banned.
To the original poster. This is the Internet. It's anonymous. there are many people who will do what they want. It's best to ignore them, otherwise you will have a horrible time wherever you go.
I do try to help where I can.
In response to your question (forgive me if you found an answer), your best bet might be to edit your script file (I'm guessing you are talking about a script? - there is an interface in-game to bind keys). Typically when you download something like a voicepack it is stored in a .vl2 file which is just a .zip archive. You can open it up and edit the files inside. The .cs files are the script source code stored in plaintext. Any text editor will let you make changes.
What I was trying to do was take custom voice packs, like from Osiris, and bind them to 1 key. For example, press Number Pad 1 and it says something, instead of having to press "V->" like regular chat menu.