TribesNEXT /// Scripting & GoonHaven!!
I thought all new players should be aware of this.
TribesNext has 35-40 servers. Only 1 server is played on.
That server is called GoonHaven. The people at goonhaven, as the name might lead you to believe, all support scripting. Scripting is another way of saying cheating. They create and use their own scripts, which include absolute visibility, aimbots, weapon guidance, shrike invincibility (to prevent crashing), etc. I feel this ruins the purpose of playing the game; others do not.
If you plan on playing TribesNext, I feel it is only respectful that I tell future players, that this community supports cheating. In my perspective, TribesNext's cooperation with GoonHaven represents the worst Tribes 2 has to offer. Play at your own risk.
TribesNext has 35-40 servers. Only 1 server is played on.
That server is called GoonHaven. The people at goonhaven, as the name might lead you to believe, all support scripting. Scripting is another way of saying cheating. They create and use their own scripts, which include absolute visibility, aimbots, weapon guidance, shrike invincibility (to prevent crashing), etc. I feel this ruins the purpose of playing the game; others do not.
If you plan on playing TribesNext, I feel it is only respectful that I tell future players, that this community supports cheating. In my perspective, TribesNext's cooperation with GoonHaven represents the worst Tribes 2 has to offer. Play at your own risk.
Also, since your previous account (TMJ) was deleted (for reasons stated here) I have banned this one.
Just because you get owned constantly doesn't mean everyone else is cheating. It is possible that you just aren't very good, and other people are. I recommend you practice more so you can actually learn how to play the game better than the average newb, but if you want to quit and cry cheats because you can't handle the difficulty curve of Tribes, no one can stop you.
Furthermore, Goon Haven has always been one of the strictest servers about making sure that the administrators are no different than anyone else. Administrators are open to the same "Show us a demo" policy as anyone else.
The fact that this TMJohnson guy continues to make claims about widespread cheating, but can't produce ANY evidence, nor has anyone else ever been able to produce any such evidence, AND I have never been able to find any such evidence myself (even with access to the server files) clearly demonstrates that it doesn't happen on Goon Haven.
The problem is that you're terrible at Tribes. Please, please, take the time to produce some sort of evidence of your outlandish claims and post it here or at Goon Haven. That way the rest of the community can once again see that you're wrong and Goon Haven holds to high standards in regards to cheating.
- Teratos
Goon Haven Super Administrator
HM2 is not a script either, and more over its aim is sub-par to a good player (it also only "works" for the hitscan weapons)
Not possible, weapon projectiles are handled server-side
Not possible, collision detection and damage is handled server-side
Eagarly awaiting some demos of these awesome indestructible shrikes and homing mortars. Might want to post one of people double-packing while you're at it, too.
and the alt plus F4 cheat
that one is a crowd pleaser!
2. Desperate folks sometimes do [glow=red,2,300]disparate[/glow] things.
3. Suggestion: play another server.
In short, ignore him and don't respond. If even 1 person responds it keeps him here.
Did you read HybridSin's post? Deleting these threads isn't the answer because people legitimately believe these things. When people believe in crazy cheats, it hinders their ability to get better which hurts T2 for everyone.
Because HybridSin made such threads and learned a little more about the game, he's now a better player and member of the community and less likely to leave. There are dozens just like him. Deleting such threads only allows the problem to continue.
Ok everyone grab your troll hunting kits. Let's convert him!
Agent Orange
To answer your question about conversion: I'm afraid that is not possible...
I played T2 classic professionally for 2+ years. I know the game like the back of my hand.
One thing I have learned is the problem with TribesNext, aside from the cheating, is a single server played, means most people have 100 ping.
This gives huge weapon lag; a delay between mouse-clicking, and the weapon firing.
So when I record a demo of me ma disking someone flying in front of my cap attempt, and they still lance me mid-air half a second later... & then returning to attempt a cap 7 times over, and getting ma lanced each time. Maybe that wouldn't be such a big deal, if he had normal ping. But the guy had 90+ ping, which means massive weapon lag that varies from .5 to 1.5 seconds at 90+ ping. Did I mention he was ma lancing me with 90 ping while I was moving 300 kmph? Oh yea, then I decided to call him out on it. All the other cheaters made themselves known and began defending him.
Then I uploaded this demo and 1 of him sniping me 600-700 meters away through fog while I was wearing a sensor jammer pack. Goon Haven banned me 1 hour later.
Cheating is very, very, very prevalent in Tribes Next.
Trust the T2 pro, and move on. Tribes 2, unfortunately, is dead.
Why would anyone trust someone that claims to have professionally played a game that has never had any professional players?
Where is your demo? You talk and talk about demos, yet never produce one.
Correction: you are a complete idiot newb and don't know anything about this game. Every time I see you in game, you are one of the worst players in the server.
90 ping isn't that high. For a newb like you, it's probably too high to do anything, but I've played with 300 ping before and still been able to own the average person on Goon Haven - and as we already established, you are worse than the average person on Goon Haven.
No you didn't. Nice lie.
More whining and posturing from the dumb newb.
Even something as simple and basic as skiing becomes more of a challange, as it suddenly becomes much easier to accidentally over/undercompensate when making those critical tiny adjustments to hit your caproutes right and discjump at the correct angle because of the delay, and lag-sensitive weapons like the CG are in general a huge pain in the ass (to use).
However, this
is complete horsebull. If you have a ping of 90, your trigger lag is 90 milliseconds. not 500 or 1500. 90 milliseconds as in "less than 1/10th of a second".
That's not to say ping doesn't matter, but really, with a sub-100 ping you should be able to rape face with any weapon in T2. If you're having trouble the issue is more likely your personal ability and not the fact that you're being held back by technology.
If I were you, I would be glad that they banned me so soon. Rather than bringing up your skills to a level of being able to "pwn their cheatin asses" any how. And being kicked for that!
You on the other hand were an admin on a server known for cheating admins.
It's probably in your best interest to not talk at all, unless you want to recall the days of HV cheats.
Really lol known for cheating admins name some, matter of fact one of are admins was a goon haven admin was he a cheater? name some I would like to know who these people where?
Never said all are admins were perfect if we found out someone was doing wrong he was dealt with.
Lets talk some more mister SA of Goon Haven funny thing is a guy we caught cheating and banned was a admin on your sever not to long ago.Does the name holystorm come to mind.So yes lets talk cheats.
i feel better now thanx
Agent Orange
Teratos and Blind going at it.
This is gonna be good.