Let's educate - how to use vehicles/be TG/how to bombing
The Goon Heaven community is strongly not familiarized with usage of vehicles, especially multi seated bombers and transport. Solution is simple - don't play there, but sometimes there is no other place.
It's really annoing when You call TG, and there he comes: a scout with energy pack, even without flares...
Or bombardier instead of dropping bombs he firing turret above enemy base...
So let everyone knows:
If bomber needs Tailgunner (most important part of crew, he makes bomber alive) it needs:
Guy in HEAVY armor with FLARES
equiped with:
- sensor jammer pack - if enemy have got many AA turrets, plasma turrets, elf, mortar (missle NOT)
- repair pack - when in-flight repair will be useful (intensive bombing)
- ammunition pack - it means more FLARES, when enemy got a lot of missles
and he need to have a Missle Launcher, to easly shoot down Shrikes, and other weapons - but it is individual choise.
The tasks of TailGunner (TG) are:
- drop flares when missle is fired at us
- turn on sensor jammer when closing to the enemy base/turrets
- repair bomber when it is possible/need, and do not collide with other tasks
- shoot down Shrikes (imho most difficult task)
- get ASAP in TG seat when bomber needs him
Tasks of Bombardier:
- drop bombs whet it is useful (do not do this when it isn't needed)
- try to do not use turret to ground targets, it is less effective than bombs and wasteo our "firepower" (orange stripe)
- try to do not drop bombs when it can damage our bomber
Tasks of Pilot:
- aiming bombs to the target
- find the most important targets
- avoid enemy fire, and enemy shrikes
- move fast, but effective (nosediving is a solution)
- thik about rest of a crew, eg. get TG time to repair bomber or to aim shrike with missle (eg. i have ping ~200ms, so aiming shirke is difficult when moving fast)
When travelling in Tank:
- pilot should stop if he wants gunner to shoot right in target
- pilot repairs tank
- pilot paint targets for gunner
- pilot should think
- gunner got to think too
- gunner task is to aim and shoot in right way
There is a Havoc, but TG tasks are the same. Pilot task is to transport heavies (in most cases) at the enemy base, so they rape it
Sorry for my english - it is not my language, if there are mistakes please edit them.
It's really annoing when You call TG, and there he comes: a scout with energy pack, even without flares...
Or bombardier instead of dropping bombs he firing turret above enemy base...
So let everyone knows:
If bomber needs Tailgunner (most important part of crew, he makes bomber alive) it needs:
Guy in HEAVY armor with FLARES
equiped with:
- sensor jammer pack - if enemy have got many AA turrets, plasma turrets, elf, mortar (missle NOT)
- repair pack - when in-flight repair will be useful (intensive bombing)
- ammunition pack - it means more FLARES, when enemy got a lot of missles
and he need to have a Missle Launcher, to easly shoot down Shrikes, and other weapons - but it is individual choise.
The tasks of TailGunner (TG) are:
- drop flares when missle is fired at us
- turn on sensor jammer when closing to the enemy base/turrets
- repair bomber when it is possible/need, and do not collide with other tasks
- shoot down Shrikes (imho most difficult task)
- get ASAP in TG seat when bomber needs him
Tasks of Bombardier:
- drop bombs whet it is useful (do not do this when it isn't needed)
- try to do not use turret to ground targets, it is less effective than bombs and wasteo our "firepower" (orange stripe)
- try to do not drop bombs when it can damage our bomber
Tasks of Pilot:
- aiming bombs to the target
- find the most important targets
- avoid enemy fire, and enemy shrikes
- move fast, but effective (nosediving is a solution)
- thik about rest of a crew, eg. get TG time to repair bomber or to aim shrike with missle (eg. i have ping ~200ms, so aiming shirke is difficult when moving fast)
When travelling in Tank:
- pilot should stop if he wants gunner to shoot right in target
- pilot repairs tank
- pilot paint targets for gunner
- pilot should think
- gunner got to think too
- gunner task is to aim and shoot in right way
There is a Havoc, but TG tasks are the same. Pilot task is to transport heavies (in most cases) at the enemy base, so they rape it

Sorry for my english - it is not my language, if there are mistakes please edit them.
A++ post.
I think this comes down to that classic/base debate, doesn't it?
Maybe I don't know what a "serious" means, but I think they are key to all of the teamwork orientated aspects of the game.
This is not a good thing. Bombing can be incredibly disruptive for the enemy and helpful for clearing turrets for the capper or rapers. If you send a bomber before a HAVOC brings in 5 heavies, you're gonna do some real lasting damage.
Tanks parked behind the enemy base or even as defense are also a great asset!
2) bombing only has very specific uses where it's terribly useful, and most of the time it's a waste. if all you're just talking about scoring a lot of points on the goon server, then yeah it can be useful. other than that, you'd be better off going ho
3) tanks also have very specific uses, and once again, are less useful than a quality player doing something else
No offense intended.
The quote above is a false statement. most of the core "classic" gameplay is not based around vehicles would be a more correct statement. Please expand your vision my friend.
There are more than enough maps/mods to suggest that vehicle use is essential for a player to be effective.
Vehicles aren't an integral part of the game itself, which is why you don't see them on every map... BUT, they are useful on particular maps (when done right).
If you have 15-30 people on a team, taking three aside to bomb can be a huge asset.
As far as points, I think pilots and tailgunners should get some (TGs for getting missiles and Pilots for the same reason the bomber gets them)
I agree (having worked in government, I can attest to both). But it can be very useful. I know for sure that bombers have shut down activities at an enemy base (or, on the flip side, my base) many times. Just today, there was a good case where a bomber ran through, and I was right behind it. All defenders were cleared out and I swooped don for the flag.
Yep. Fun and Useful.
I think a select few of you are confusing PUB and COMP play
Goon Haven, bombing like hell on Fallacy of Epiphany, fuck yes.
There is nothing wrong with bombing itself, but it still isn't all that useful.
For instance, on Acid Rain a few days ago we had 4 bomber crews (2 per team) bombing non-stop, yet I was able to cap seven times (4 for one team, then switched and capped for the other team). I'm a terrible capper too. The bombing had no effect on the final outcome though.
That doesn't prove bombing to be useless, it just proves their flag defense is useless
Tailgunners, learn to use that command circuit fast. spot shrikes on your approach route, waypoint em. youll get lock b4 you can even see em.
Bombardiers, if a shrikes on your ass and hes good, but he hasnt got you yet and your pilot is flat out runnin away from him, AND your TG cant get him, eject, pull that missile launcher out and fire. if your pilot knows what hes doin he'll bank when you eject, givin the missile time to catch up to the shrike. then you can patch yourselves up, request a pickup and live to bomb awhile longer. dont forget to frag the shrike pilot, hes gonna be pissed and comin after you.
bombardiers, carry ammo packs. let the pilot worry about repairs. if your teams good, you may end up in the air so long your tailgunners outta ammo. if so, dip behind a mountain, hop out and give him your ammo. (you may need a script to drop ypur ammo, especially missiles) reload and give em hell. (this can be done in midair but its tricky and you may fall to your doom)
Tailgunners: if a shrike closes to close for missile lock, whip that chaingun out and pepper his ass. makes him lose energy, he cant fire back, he loses altitude, he leaves you alone. for really good pilots who get in your face, keep an elf on your sock. just be careful about hittin your own ship.
Foggy maps where you cant even see what youre bombin, just remember: 400-500m is the magic number, taking speed into account.
Tanks: pilots, remember: all that bouncin over hills and movin side to side maks it hard for you gunner to hit shit. keep it steady, incoming fire allowing of course. and if your gunnin, keep one finger on that 1 and another on that 2. lets you switch weapons real quick in case you need to chop somebody up real quick. this goes for shrikes too, they get in you face, mow em down.
if your pilot has jumped out to give you a target, VTA him when you get a lock so he knows he can move or get back in the tank. that lasers like a big ass "Here I am" sign. do him a favor and let him get outta the line of fire quick.
Havoks: if you wanna be a scout, fine. STAY THE HELL OUTTA THE HAVOKS. leave those seats for guys that need em and can do some good. theres plenty of shrikes and bikes for you. if you wanna ride gunships, put some decent armor on please. this can turn the tide of battles easily. dont let it be said that you cost your team the game.
guess thats it. oh and if youre not on ventrillo on teamspeak and youre in a crew, watch and use that chat hud. sux tellin your pilot 100 times youre outta flares and he starts makin suicide runs and youre outta flares.
Have fun. blow some shit up for me while youre at it.
Also, waypoint their v-pad, turrets and other bomb-worthy targets. You'll become a favorite if you take care of this and let the pilot focus entirely on piloting.
Bombardiers, too. You have exclusive access to the perma-targeting-laser. Use it.
Be good spotters and let the pilot know what needs to be bombed. He has his hands full with piloting. With extra sets of eyes you'll be lifting some of the load off his shoulders.
This works only if dueling shrikes has a higher priority for you than bombing. Dueling a shrike who knows your position who will come back for you and picking up your bombardier, re-gaining speed and altitude... usually, it's just not efficient for bombing purposes.
One time I was in a shrike fighting a bomber who did exactly that. In the end I managed to keep the entire bomber crew out of bounds until all 12 missiles were fired. Then I shot them down.
OTOH, if your goal is bombing I'd recommend just returning to base while protecting yourselves and finding friendly shrikes until the shrike's gone. It's all about the effectiveness & efficiency.
I did this the other day after reading your post, except I was the pilot, tossing him flares after mid-air reparing. Groovy.
This is good. Also, listen to the pilot and work with him. Bombing through the fog takes more experience and cooperation. The pilot is flying purely using the meters and the atmosphere - he really does have his hands full. He won't be able tell where the bombs will land. But as a bombardier, you do. Guide him. He'll thank you.
Hmm, I should write a thorough guide sometime.
bombing advice I've read. I'd throw in my two cents but it would pale by comparison. 8)
LOL you suck and you talk too much. go play wow, they'd actually listen to you. use your wisdom.
"- pilot should think
- gunner got to think too"