TLS Founder
- person {|TLS|}VirusX
- alternate_email tlsmassaper@tznvcre@gmail.com
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
I borrowed this for my clan, much thanks, credit given. :)
I wont give up "The Last Stand"
MD2 is my fav T2 mod. :))) ;D ;D
Yes lol wasssuppp!
thanks guys.
not even a hell no or anything.. just complete silence.. I'm really trying to help Tribes2 and it's clanning competitions
I agree on Meltdown. Its the best. for tribes1 and tribes2
Really? no one is interested in TLS? ::)
btw, the forums are set for tribes 2.. i'll be on tribes later. cya guys!
Yes sir.
I was |*|w00|*|VirusX Hello.