- person {NQP!}Qing
- alternate_email nqpqvat@ing@hotmail.com
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Well, almost a year later I have a site up now. All of the T2 and T1 stuff that I have is on there including qFiremissions and TriCon. Not terribly organized, but it's all I could do in the time I have to work on it. http://nqpqing.com
any files you want, that youcan't find elsewhere, just ask.
Basically. TriCon2 is written in Delphi, which is essentially object-oriented pascal. Easy to use, super-fast to iterate.
Imposter ? set me up with a login where I can upload; or email where we can discuss. procedure tform1.lockconsole;beginraw.Lines.add('Locking raw console, server has switched to Tournament Mode');console.addnl('Locking raw console, server has switched to Tournament Mode', 8,…