- person Baleron87
- alternate_email Balerba872on8721@ubg1@hotznvy.mail.pbzcom
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
I wish I remembered any of the characters or clans I was in. It was so very, very long ago... All I remember is that I was constantly training as a pilot, as that was what my clan needed. Can't say for sure whether I'm still any good at it, though. We'll find out tomorrow once the game has finished loading, I suppose.
I actually was given Aerial Assault a few days ago by my bro, as he knew how much I played the PC Tribes 2 back in the day. But I was already frustrated with the game after having completed the campaign, since it wasn't the game I remembered without playing online. I'm excited to be able to play my old school favorite…