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End Of Discussion :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
You guys crack me up. This is the Classic Mod 1.5.2 here is proof........ Note: The Picture Its states the GamePlay Changes have been Enabled. That's part of many changes I selected in one of the config files fron the the Classic 1.5.2 mod file :D :D :D :D The Classic Mod 1.5.2 has a file called SctfPrefs. It lets you pick…
last time I checked a missile is pretty deadly in the real world. So to answer your question... NOPE! ;D
Sorry Tribes2Vet but you are wrong. I'm not sure why it took you 4 shots to destroy a base turret. It is setup to destroy base turrets and radar station in 1 shot of a missile like it would in the REAL World! I just checked and it still destroys base turrets with 1 shot of a missile!
Thanks Kool Name ROFL
Sorry Bud But That Aint Gonna Happend! Get Over It! If you dont like it dont play on the server. Its just that simple! End Of Discussion Period!
Na, that only changes was to the hit damage thats it so I see no reason to change the name rofl have a nice day :D
Ya I'm gonna now that's for sure. I aint gonna make any more changes. I have approx 100+ CTF maps on the server IE: New maps, T1 Classic Maps and T2 Maps so there there is something for everybody and the weapons kick ass like they are supposed to!! Cya bud ;)
Well I made some changes. 1. I turned off the ALL Weapons Mod cuz some people were complaining about so I turned it off. 2. Made Changes to the amount of HIT Damage to some Weapons. Example: As we all know the chaingun is as useless as tits on a bull ...well it will works like a mini gun should! ( Remember the movie…