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- alternate_email znwbeqnzntmajordamagr@lznvy.pbe@ymail.cozm
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Please visit forums and register your app.. www.clanmajor.net
MaJoR is looking for people who will Join up with us and Scrim!
though, remember how much bigger Tribes2 is then Tribes1.. its like 400MB bigger then tribes..
Been doing fine for me so far..
oops lol
And we are recruiting! www.clanmjaor.net
I'm looking for them too.
www.xfire.com its an instant messenger for gamers..
Add me to Xfire iamecko is my addy
Looking forward to it bro.
Count on it... =]
Yes Forums had to be re-done for Tribes2 , we wnated to start a new slate.. Enjoy!
MaJoR is a MD2 clan.. :)
Thanks man, you will
Classic Mod for Tribes2 is the same as Tribes1 BASE mod. heh, go figure..
Peanut butter and crack sandwich!
Yeah TAC is fun..
Best member for Tribes2 in Major is Floater and me Yes we will duel you Show dedication and support Yes there are ways to rank up faster. I think MaJoR going to Tribes2 will bring new Ranks. If your good, you will be ranked by skill.
Meltdown2 is all MaJoR plays for Tribes2
Yes Kigen is back.
That's a very difficult area, damn routers lol.. call your ISP
Yeah lol, everyone just needs to get ahold of a windowsXP disc, and take that stupid vista off. Vista dont work with Tribes, Tribes2, and BF2.. SO lame lol..
Probably so. I'm here to help.
There are many, many patches out there for vista's stupidity, I will help you as soon as i figure out which patches you can try, let me ask around and I will get back to you bro.. OR just use a WinXP disc and take off vista.. Thats what I did.