Dark Knight!!
- person Dark Knight!!
- alternate_email fredrik-00@hotmail.com
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If you are hostning more then 1 Tribes 2 server you can change the port the tribes 2 server will use, 28000 is default. You can change it ingame or go to ServerPrefs.cs and change $Host::Port = "28000"; and then change to the port you want to use.
kk then its a god idea... get syntax error weary often. Thx for the help then.
My connection is all fine it only happen to one and the same server tho...
Well how did this happen? I haven't change anything and I'm pretty sure the server didn't change the $Host::CRCTextures = 0; from it self. I have own this server from 2003 whit some updates and it worked all fine for a week ago. So how did this happen?
and if I play without any bots?
... IF teratos was admin I think his ban hammer would be wary hot right now... But teratos why do you wont admin to ban all ppl?
I have looking for a RPG server on Tribes 2 so i will try it when it come out. it quite fun to play RPG maps when you have some ppl whit you so keep working :) and teratos why are you so mean to Oni Link? if you don't say some thing good then don´t say it at all.
well i was suppose to ask if there was a way do get new texture on the server so all ppl on the server have the same. I wrote this early on the morning and my head wasn't clear so sorry if you misunderstand me.
well i got my friend to be Admin and then Kicked/baned me then i went to Tribes2\GameData\Construction\Prefs\banlist.cs and there it was a code my was 2007301 then i went to Tribes2\GameData\Construction\Prefs\ServerPrefs.cs and added $Host::SuperAdminList = "2007301"; and then you will be SuperAdmin when you enter the…
aaaawwwww... is my name so obvious xD
ok i try to help you so much i can but i dont know how i can help you any more, you have to wait for a admin to help you. = /
http://www.tribesnext.com/forum/index.php?topic=542.0 O_o
the 3 W Where is it happening? When dos it say so? What dos it say ? (if it is ServerPrefs.cs/banlist.cs open it whit notepad)
there are 2 ways to do this. 1. you can goto Tribes2\GameData\Construction\Prefs\ServerPrefs.cs and make a new line and add $Host::SuperAdminPassword = "[Your password]"; then you run game and goto settings and make admin hud on a key. then run join server open admin hud and enter password. 2. you need a code its some…
the only map you need to play on server (inmost case, I have never need to download more maps then this) is flatland whitch are grate for Construction. Flatlandpack just put it in Treibes2/gamedata/base and then your don Edit: its only work when it say you need flatland.ter
Re-install Tribes2 make sure the Tribes2 folder is gone before installing it. if that dosent help i dunno what to do...
well do you have the latest .Net Framework and Direct X?
I got Windows 7 and I haven't get this problem. Try to update your drivers. if you have i dunno what to say :-\
ok I guess i gave you to less info.. sorry >_< We was on the same team, it was my server, it was on global, i could see what he wrote, i had to whisper him to get any connection whit him, i have played tribes 2 for 2½ year and this was my first time this happen, and the first time on the server, i had the server in 1½…
ok. i relay dont see the point now when i got it to work but sure i get up some screens. Working: By frejoh466 Not working: By frejoh466 Edit: O_o my screens did failed...
Ok thx to thebeaz I got it to work ^^ and teratos i have a del .dso bat but im to lasy to press it all the time... and as I was saying the del .dso thing is working but i could not start the Tribes 2, I did just get error... and if I now do :play Start Tribes2.exe -online -mod construction goto exit I get error that the…
... ok this my hole .bat (I dunno how to do the code thing >_< poor me) @echo OFF cd .. del /s /q *.dso cls echo. echo Tribes 2 echo. echo 1) Launch Online Dedicated Server echo 2) Launch Tribes 2 echo. set /p var= IF '%var%' == '1' goto Ded IF '%var%' == '2' goto play goto exit :ded Start Tribes2.exe -dedicated -mod…
Do you know where to find the port? I Don't have any problems but some ppl get high Ping and it might help to open a port for them.
no i changed some stuff in the script so i think it work now... :-\
Try to do this. Right click on your desktop -> New -> Shortcut the Paste "C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\GameData\SierraUp.exe" whit out the " (my is in D:\Tribes2\GameData\SierraUp.exe so make sure its right on your computer) the double click and see if it works. To get it look like normal rename it to Tribes 2 Right click and chose…
Are you sure? i started it and run Tribes 2 but i did only find 4 Servers... well i will start it and see if some one join and i will spam a little more on the Refresh button and see if it will come