- person F9
- alternate_email syhflusslffysn@fa@nvzaim.com
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That graphics card is perfectly fine. trust me i had a Radeon 2150 i think and it was from like 2003. now i am using AMD Radeon 4260
any file from tribes 2 that is a dts is able to be loaded but will not animate, and textures/lighting don't work very well for them either. DIF (Dynamix Interior Files) have been removed in version 2.0 of T3D entirely, only way to get them to work is to find a way to convert to DAE or dts. EDIT: Some of the items do work,…
Messing around with T3D. took old t2 flag and plopped it into T3D to mess around with it see if i can get it to fit the part, so far it is just lighting that is the problem. other than that the flag looks good considering its old texture. it is actually fitting for the whole worn and used look.
it is going to be hover, but it will not flip or jump out as easily, like getting the weight of the veh to be a bit heavier with a bit more thrust
Storm = Blue, Inferno = orange/brown would have been better for Storm and Blood Eagle
why would you use ispawn.exe it doesn't work very well, best thing to use is batch and have it pause for when the server crashes or ends, then it will restart it.
thats a possibility, i don't really know why it didn't generate the debug dll in the first place, but i will try. EDIT: Getting the DXSDK For June 2010 to see if that fixes the problem, else i will switch it to Release mode instead of debug. Works now Woot... now if only it doesn't crash on me XD
tanks and grav cycles have a greater chance of taking damage depending on the angle and if it on flat land or if they get launched in the air. Just like everything else since T2's engine is so old things break a lot easier with computers being faster and have the ability to process faster. Sure the game looks good with…
i knew that it was considering i have never seen that username before in my life... and how it has so little posts under its name. That is why i just said thanks instead of going further into detail. Also for some reason i am unable to get my test project to compile it keeps saying i am missing a debug dll lib from my…
They are slow. but not if they are flying (Construction Reference).
This is for people that want to attempt to make a new version of tribes 2. It is a bit buggy as it is only just parts and pieces, though it does have almost all of the particle effects from the old game engine. Downside some how we need to import and revamp that old building structures and textures, blender is a great tool…
yea i know i am trying to get it shut down but it is not working out that well
and some possible GUI fixing so then everything matches in color and scheme
or by the t2 web stats website is another way
not enless darkDragonDX finishes it before then
i am working on a forums site that allows players to post their news and stuff like that and i will have reporters within the community that take those posts and put them in the rss feed section players can still view the posts and topics just not post in them or make new ones The site is now up it is called T2 News... ip…
i don't even use the irc ingame i use hexchat
thing is that it is not that you can't contact the db it is just that fact you are not in the database... thyth added all of the players that are in the database currently during the last competition therefor that means players that have joined from the first release of TN to that point in time are in the community…
i mean that the T2 Tag and T2 Clan are switch meaning that the clan tag is the name of the clan and the clan name is the tag that is set.. i had to fix it manually in the settings since that seems to be working fine
kk... i could help with most of that and will not be able to really help with streaming... i also have some experience with hosting servers and bei admin of servers
in order to get a tag you can't have a brand new account it will not be in the community database there for use the one you currently have... because thyth stated somewhere that any accounts after the tournaments in which you could get tags for your teams are the accounts that are not going to be in the community system/db
Seems when you have switched the tribe name and tag in the creation page, seems you are unable to change your name in the profile
remember that this is more so of the finished product for the entire community to use...
Wait rjay you are a DEV of legionoverdrive.... VGCA
well there are quite a few that are working on trying to get the t2 browser and email in full or at least almost full effect... at this point in time there is a few things left to fix up and try to get working...
For the Server will there be volunteer/staff type of thing that is going to be on to make sure that it is fair and to help with keeping everything running smooth as well as to watch the chat for those that will spam or threat with crashing/harming the server in any way and to watch for those that try to cheat
i misread certain parts because of tiredness and i had DX help me out a bit... odd thing is trying to get the password into a global var at login so then it can be used to be put into the authentication of the session... i tried more of the logical ways of doing so for some reason i am unable to get the password though…
For the Password or pw would it be the 3 part of the public.store? or would it be the actual player password non encrypted or anything?
I have tribes 2 installed on my windows 8.1 computer and it works just fine maybe a lag spike here or there but that is just my computer not really the game itself