Golden Shower
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Yes, now here is a title worth claiming. Unfortunately the only thing I'm capable of while playing drunk is flying a shriek into the sides of buildings and mountains. Does anybody else like to play under the influence?
My graphics card likes it rough...but what is the deal with T2, its eating my CPU. The entire time I play my processor is maxed out. Thanks for the download tip, I love free things.
Gee thanks, but that is not in the context that it is used in this forum...jerks.
What is a smurf? and for that matter what is a troll? Why do you nancies use such silly words? How can I follow this intriguing discourse w/o understanding the euphemisms? I've heard of clones too, can people have a body double in games?
This thread started out interesting. Then The Sniper posted and everyone got their panties in a bunch, I'll admit just from reading his posts in this thread he's annoying but so are you for quoting five different things from the paragraph he poorly wrote and refuting each separately. I enjoyed reading this thread until it…
Im a distant relative of the Texas chili bowl
Mmmm, thank you. :D
I'm 24 years old. I'm an engineering student. I like to pee on people. That is not a picture of me but I'm just as creepy.
You can group the posts in this thread into two categories: 1. The first group understands the joke being made at the expense of the original poster GNRL TEC, modifying the original file path to make it appear that he collects enough animal pornography that it has to be categorized into things like barnyard with…
C:\Documents and Settings\Trevor\My Documents\My Pictures\pr0n\animal\barnyard\goat\baaaad girls05.bmp or something like that.