- person Hbarr
- alternate_email LAWRENCEVIGNYR0504@pTALE0504@comcast.net
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
Ok, ok, I hear, "read", what you are saying about the tail gunner, and it is great stuff! There are some out there that will say that "flaresay" script is a cheat. How is a person to know what script is acceptable. I am no novice to this game and some scripts are obvious cheats, but if a person is trying to play the game…
Well, I will now announce to the world of tribes how foolish thoughts and iron clad memory can lead one to embarrassment and remorseful action. I, in this thread, insisted that my logon password could not have been forgotten. After all, to my mind, it was the only password ever used since the beginning of Tribes2. I can…
;D ;D ;D Yippy!!!! :-* :-* :-* ::) :o
teratos, Yes I suppose there is a possibility of that scenario because I did ask it to remember me. I have tried the caps lock on without success. I guess I will have to safe guard the "Hbarr" ID at all costs for ]-[barr will no longer exist to the world of T2. Not only that, but now my sparkly H avatar is endanger of…
Thyth, I was poking around in the scripts area of T2 and happened to click onto Authentication Client/Options. A window gui appeared listing the username Hbarr and the passcode ********. It appears that both can be changed because a curser appears in the username box. Also the passcode is plainly displayed. There are no…
yt2005 I tried as you suggested but the return stated "Credentials download was unsuccessful. Check your name/password". Of course this was attempting to obtain the credentials using the original warrior name "]-[barr". The current warrior name "Hbarr" did allow me to log onto Tribes so the retrieval system does appear to…
G'd day, I'm new to this form, and not much of a writer. I have been reading this thread and would like to impart a situation that I found myself in. It may have some relevance to what is in the thread. First of all I am running Windows XP Pro SP2, with an ATI 4850 graphics card on my machine. Ok, ok, it is an old machine…