Jack Booted Thug
- person Jack Booted Thug
- alternate_email jbtoac@hotmail.com
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
Welcome back to T2.
USA evenings there are usually plenty of people playing.
Awesome stuff. I miss Tribes 2.
Thank you.
I hope it is up soon. Been trying to retrieve my account for quote some time. :( Anyway it is what it is and I am patient.
If only Tribes 2 would somehow find its way onto Steam.
ok I found the problem. It was a piece of Spyware called "RelevantKnowledge." I got rid of it and T2 now works. I am not sure what the malware did but I suppose it took priority over T2. I wonder where I picked it up from?
No I don't run anything that would conflict. I remember occasionally getting this error but a restart of the game would always fix it. It isn't going away this time. I just reset my router again. I disabled Windows Firewall again. I have restarted my PC. I just cannot figure it out. It logs into the game just fine but the…
A portable version with everything in it would be a nice idea I think. Save people having to download, patch and install map packs. Now if only HiRez would put T2 on Steam and pay Thyth to host the central server, they could make easy bucks for sure.
Is this in the T2 browser or just web browser stuff?
I cannot find any information on what this game actually is. There is nothing on Google save an old video which is not available anymore. Would you explain what this game actually is? Thanks.
Yes it worked out well. I am going to try and get these happening every two weeks at least. Maybe offset the night so more people can attend. A Sunday and then a Friday perhaps.
You got yourself banned with a holier than though attitude. Very similar to Earth. The statement on TWL where you told the new hosts that the forums should be deleted was an awful thing to do. The stupidity on those forums was conducted by a loud mouthed minority but you had to suggest throwing the baby out with the bath…
"like branzone and the pedofile crew there".... See this is the sort of crap you go on with Earth. You have no clue how to relate to people you may disagree with. You get all antsy, feel like a victim and then carry on like a sulking child. People tire of that crap and simply do not want to hear it and you end up banned.…
Since the TWL forums were closed down things have been pretty quiet. I recently purchased a server for Pick Ups to try and get regular competitive games happening again. We had a successful pickup on Sunday night where we were able to play 10 vs 10. I am going to attempt to keep these pickups happening every fortnight or…
You do make a lot out of nothing Earth and it doesn't help. Sure a bunch of people carry on like idiots but it is a loud minority and generally the server admins on SCP are fine. The only reason you get yourself banned is because you allow yourself to be easily wound up and want to always get the last word or insult in. I…
Not with people infighting and pride being the root of most of the problems.
Dunno who is really at fault here but this sort of childishness is only serving to shoot ourselves in the foot. I have seen you post sympathy thread before Earth and honestly it doesn't bring anything positive to the table. If the remnants of any community are such children then Tribes 2 deserves to die. From the stupidity…
Thanks for this. I too am looking forward to the in game version. Once we have the ingame tmail and clan system working we can really focus on a marketing push for the game as the client will have an inbuilt hub which I think will help hold interest.
People like rJay get themselves banned because they don't know how to control their tongue. Sure life isn't always fair but much of the time it is ourselves who are the approximate cause of our own injury.
Talk about a dramatic over reaction. How old are we?
Not in vain at all. There are many old skool players who would love to see the in game tmail and clan systems again, not to mention these tools would assist in any revival of the game. The few in IRC are not representative of everyone.
Human beings always crave something new and fresh. The reason the 10 Year Tournament was so successful was because it was a "new event" preceded by a long period of nothing much happening. The novelty of "10 years" also served to help it. Any future successful event has likewise be "fresh and invigorating" and to do that…
Any tournament ought to be a draft tournament imo. The problem with picking teams is that top tiered players will group together and other teams will lack the motivation to compete. This was an issue before the draft tournaments began. Throwing entry fees and prize money into the equation will only exacerbate the issue.…
That sounds good. I'll keep my eye open so I can help promote this as things develop.
Hello. :) You have been playing forever. One of the few aussies left in the game :) I am an aussie but live in the USA now.
It appears there is no one really left with the skill set to help with this. Could Thyth maybe launch a kickstarter or would that create licensing issues? I reckon a return of tmail and in game clan management would certainly boost player numbers because the user base is currently very fragmented, especially with the…
I was able to join via going into Classic Online and adding the local machines IP and directly joining that. If I try and join via the internet IP I get the man in the middle error. I am new to this so am trying to figure it out. My server seems to reset itself pretty often which is why I was getting disconnected.
Is that installer with the fix the main T2 download that has the multiple links or just the patch? I tried applying the patch again but it didn't fix the problem.