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Might have to check this out. I gotta shake the rust off my game though. Been a couple months.
Idk shit about computers so yeah... I cant tell if its good or not? What would be the "normal" price range for a computer of that calibur.
My favorite by far will always be dueling on T2 Demo. Even though it was lacking people.. all the people who played were pretty cool. Always had a jolly time.
Him dying.
I got shooted.
That's like all Halo: Reach. Minus the PC part.
Welcome to Tribes 2. The chill spot for the most popular server is
TFinger isn't new at all. I used to play demo with him.
I remember Gus, used to rock the SP constantly iirc.
You take a dump. Then kill yourself cuz' this is gay.
I was a C+ Iccup player. "Hydralisk" taught me as well as alot of others. I played Terran. In FMP I smashed, I picked Zerg. Unless I wanted to be cheap I'd go Terran due to a couple cheap tricks using Terran ;). I haven't played in years though :(. Every now and then I'll go on and just play some UMS maps. Tower Defense…
V2 for scrubs.
Idk. Prolly because I've been kicked out of a couple schools for missing so many days. But math..I don't know, I've always sucked at it. I'd skip math whenever there was another chick/dude wanting to skip. Which was quite often. We'd just walk to town and play b-ball for the hour :)
where did my name "Tom" come from lol? Love|Hate! Isn't anything similar to "Tom". Rofl.
I stopped playing because I stopped hitting my shots :(. After Anarchy disappeared no one left to MA duel only :(. Everyone else ground shoots :(. That's just gay.
OMG! We must band together and rid this little nuisance!
That leaves The Greatest Tankdriver out of the server!
I hated english..Too many papers..Hated math too..Only ever passed 1 math class in all my highschool years.. And that was only in a Semester :(
Chinks do too.
Oh Policeman! Wanna get spanked by my cg like 30-1 again? rofl jk. Me no play no more. You spank me 30-1 now
Why would you want another Arena server? Only one is ever populated at any time. The Rose is fine. I would ask Kryand/DyS/ or Anarchy.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
check arena out too The Rose