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20 mbit is enough =P dont really need alot to run em whats your upload tho ?
i would do it but my connection cant run shit at the time and in the middel of moveing >.< and lev i just tryed to open a discussion ;) and i guess altserver is okey =P if you happen to own a orginal account
how many accouts so faar = ;D im curious =D and happy =D
who forgets there PW ;)
well spoken ! all power to tribesnext!
and i can only hope you are right werewolf!!! can only hope they will be forced to see it the right way! all your bases are belong to Tribesnext!!
no i was there in IRC =P for alot of years. but still think its sad the people there dont wanna leave that crap they just wanna play in there own world on there own servers leaveing a community divined =P after all people like hades still on IRC and they used to be decent players.. but if they dont wanna support a good…
Yea figured it would be some crap like that -_- sadly its alot of good super active playersstill doing that. but i argree what they are doing is so fucking stupid it makes me wanna cry. all they do is hang around in IRC bitching about how theres no players yet they dont wanna do an fucking effort to improve the game... so…
apprently some other files/mod/patch was released that allows old players to still use there old VU accounts. not totally secure how this system works but if we compare the server list we get 2 diffrent lists. it makes no sense to me since all he gave to me was a vl2 file that allows him to do this but he is useing his old…