- person Sed8Me
- alternate_email sed8mr@tzne@gmavy.pbil.cozm
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
Hmm... I guess I started playing in about 2003... I bought Tribes 2 in the discount bin for $4.95 while Christmas shopping because I recognized the game name from a friend named "sacrifice". We started SVNKSTR and played a lot on the STAR server... later I found Version 2 and joined ^GoD^... then ^GoD^ split and the Rebels…
Oh man this is like the good old days... when I would play at work in my office at the end of the hall where nobody ever came to see what I was doing... then I would cruse the forums to try to find a 'pick up' for Friday night... get some beers, TeamSpeak and get drunk flying bombers around Katabatic (only servers that…