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The script actually works exactly the way I had asked, vehicles are dependent upon a generator that, when destroyed will boot any occupants of said vehicles, and return the message "vehicle is not powered" if someone tries to mount it while gen is down. The only thing he hasn't implemented is to reset the vehicles recharge…
errr oops, I remade the vehicles and put them in that sim group to copy and paste to mission cleanup.. apparently I forgot. Will double check team variables. ----FIXED
thank you for looking at it Heat, I understand scripters get harrassed a lot. I'll try this modification and see if yields Me any results I am serious as well about seeing if someone here will show Me a little bit about tribes scripting. The only thing I understand is the format, and as you can see... that understanding…
SO... can um, someone throw Me a frikkin bone?
Okay, I have tried to string things together in a way that might work, but without knowing what functions can be used where I fear I am at a loss, could one of you fabulous scripters out there piece this together for me? I have been trying all day on and off but I can't figure it out. Here is My best guess I know I'm off,…
I might be able to muddle through that, check back in a few days when I can wrap my head around that!
Okay... super, that doesn't really answer any questions as to how and, what kind scripting needs to be done. I am only vaguely familiar with scripting in general. And as a general rule I try and make all maps server side. So scripters is there a way to call that sort of function in a .mis contained script? have vehicles…
Thanks... it's posted. I have several maps I have been toying with, hopefully I'll get some constuctive criticism, though I'm guessing I'll just have to take criticism!
HAHA! I got it. Noob mistake, do not try and create a spawn graph with spawns outside the "mission area". I resized the mission area to include the distant base, reran the graph, and used it with the original mis file and it works perfectly. I know My map will never make it into any rotation but, does anyone help playtest…
I actually tried deleting all three spawnspheres, replacing them, and re-running the spawn graph. There is no water block in the map. I had planned on using indoor and outdoor weights for all three spheres, though I could deal with it being indoor weight only. I am going to play with it a little more right now but I seem…
Okay, next question: I am trying to get a capturable spawn point, but everytime the spawn point is captured Team1 spawns at the enemy base, (regardless of who captures) and neither team spawns at the captured objective. Thoughts?
SPACES! I knew it see, I told you once it got figured out I would feel like a twit. I'm redefining server variables? I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by that one. As for the mission name, it will get a proper name when it's complete! Damn Red you ever have anything up-lifting to say or is negativity all you…
I always make back-ups, but the changes I made were so extensive (basically moved eveything from one map to another, and to new locations on said map... while maintaining everything in it's simgroup) I just don't even know where to begin looking. I didn't see any obvious formatting but hopefully you peoples have more…
Grrr, alright but now I just feel like a twit, and this forum attachment isn't helping it says I can't post .mis... so I'll put the friggin thing in a vl2 then. And here we are... good luck, god speed, are you available 24/7 cuz I have a few maps I am toying around with! (No one saved that .mis checker??????)
Heyyyyy and there's an old face now! Why am I not surprised that this is all Celios' fault. Those RDS guys were always a pain in the ass! :o Say what you will... Shifter... you cannot crush My dreams of Version2 siege! I'll play with Myself if I have to... *ahem*. Well screw Celios, Cobra is back and he's interested in…