- person Sfphinx
- alternate_email sfphinx@sscuvak.pbfphinx.com
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
Thanks, I am working no the content submission part of the site, there are a lot of checks that need to be performed for it to go smoothly. I already have a tutorials section that is up and when I have the content submission piece working you can add tutorials/guides. All content on the site is indexed using the Zend…
I still have Nox and in its box ... lol, haven't touched that in like 10 years ... well I guess 8 and 300+ days since it came out the end of Jan 2000.
Give some feedback on that website if you can, just so we can see if we can get enough people there. Or suggest a better night. Thanks!
We got a Siege server now ... looking to do a pickup this saturday. http://www.the-pond.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=58583#58583
Sweet :)
Post it to tribaloutpost.com if it is the finished product.
Hit me up at Sfphinx via AIM ... I will get you setup ...
Of course I am joking. :) :P
Blakhart only elite haX0rs can see them on the site. :P
Thanks for your comments and I will update my signature shortly. I own the server the website is on, so unless something very bad happens, I will not run out of bandwidth and the likelihood of the website going down is not very likely either but not out of the realm of possibility. Its not going anywhere anytime soon I…
Hey guys, I think many of you all have valid points. I think that a central website is necessary for the community. If I might suggest that perhaps www.tribaloutpost.com might be an ideal website to make this happen. Granted tribesnext.com is what has made the come back of Tribes2 possible, as a few of you have pointed out…
If by change I don't already have the skins in your rar archive, I would be willing to host them on TribalOutpost.com. Let me know.
No need to reinvent the wheel tribaloutpost.com exists for this very purpose.