- person SuperSniperXtreme2
- alternate_email rob@bbo.beob.ortg
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- today Last active (0 visits)
sigh if you're going to try to act all high and mighty on the internet memes at least get them right. Please review your class notes on the term "troll"
yea. cut it out kid. Nobody wants to hear it.
Who was the best sniper I ever saw? Well, I'll tell ya, I've seen a lot of them. Most of them are just names on a score screen, back on some server that doesn't even exist anymore. Some of them are right here on this forum. And some of them are still out there somewhere, doing what they always do, logging on each day with…
goon haven is a p decent pub. For 60 people it's one of the least laggy servers but yeah it's pretty lag when 45+ are there. The admins are surprisingly good but the map selection is terrible. overall several ranks above rebels/ewo/hv. Top notch lame pub action. You're probably getting yourself unnecessarily frustrated,…
Hi, I'd like to get in on the action. Can I desperately make up things about dynamix modifying users accounts on the hush hush too? Did you guys know that if you got 30 headshots on a map 3 maps in a row they gave you a free account? Yeah but it was hush hush so not many people did. anywayz, goon haven is a pretty nice…
Kauket needs better command of her Latin verb conjugation perhaps if you pay her a conjugal visit it would help. You could use a shocklance like this most excellent guide suggest. Don't forget to use some white out... grenades at the end before you make your get away Projectile.
Who was the best sniper I ever saw? Well, I'll tell ya, I've seen a lot of them. Most of them are just names on a score screen, back on some server that doesn't even exist anymore. Some of them are right here on this forum. And some of them are still out there somewhere, doing what they always do, logging on each day with…
Inferno's front to back route on SH is one of the best routes in the game and it is shut down by a working elf turret and none of the others. Mortar turret is great for pissing off teammates. I frequently use it. But, one of the best players in the game for many years now is the classic plasma turret. When a plasma turret…
Who was the best sniper I ever saw? Well, I'll tell ya, I've seen a lot of them. Most of them are just names on a score screen, back on some server that doesn't even exist anymore. Some of them are right here on this forum. And some of them are still out there somewhere, doing what they always do, logging on each day with…
the best way to stop a lot of HO: go HO
LoL you are complete and total idiot don't know what you are talking about or have any idea what the ladders mean. It's both sad and hilarious at once. I like how he is trying to play the "I'm just conducting a social experiment" card after being exposed as a huge moron person who doesn't know what he is talking about.…
Dear "the | sniper" I respectfully challenge you to a sniper duel. Sincerely, Super Sniper Extreme2
an sj with zero energy is sometimes red. Same with if you have an SJ and they have an SJ and you turn yours on. Sometimes it will make them go red.
autopoints is twl legal. YOu'd think with all of "the | snipers" allege records and pro-ness on TWL that he'd know that.
Hey valarking, I like what I've heard about your stylings Stop by #lastgasp sometime
I think we should do really really big ridiculously poorly thought out maps like some of the ones that play on the 60 person server. That would give the tourny a unique flare and make it a lot more interesting for people including myself. The thought of crushing confused players who are just realizing they have no idea how…
can you make it so other teammates satchels won't damage my satchel?
holy shit
no kidding the beeze is right on. It doesn't matter if the way some people suggest is the far better way of goign about winning. IT doesn't matter if the way they suggest ALWAYS works better than the way the other people are talking about. It doesn't matter if their opinion is based on 1000x more evidence and…