- person Tasogie
- alternate_email gnfbtvtasogir@vagre@inteeabqr.rnode.on.net
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As an ex HO/HoF I will say my biggest threat was the midfielder, a "good" midfielder" new all the routes new how to fight an new how to stop a HO in his tracks.I can ski to your base, an blow it an anyone i see to shit an die in the process (good HO is a one way trip). But, if I run into a middy who knows what hes about, I…
When your mid fielding an a capper gets through, many of the fielders in base would spin round back to the target disk jump spin round an your goin balls out after em from a standing start, trick is at that point most fielders have used their health up an are in no shape to rumble. But its fast, instant, an if you do it…
hehe Denada, they are good monies, an as much as I had/have issues with em those guys were some fof the best Aus TWL ever had. Back when TWL actually meant anything.
T1 was much faster, if you watch that synergy video in my other post, then watch a T2 "Cappers life", you will see the HUGE difference. T1 was the first ever FPS online I played an it has yet to be surpassed as far as I am concerned.
The heavy was Bloody that was his trademark move, I practised it a few times, but I hated Capping, cos every time I had a chaser on me, I stopped to fight lol... I like blowing shit up so capping wasn't my thing :). But Soul an Bloody practised for hours every day.
yer I played with those toolbelts, Bloody was a deadly HO, Soulfire while I hated him an he hated me was a dam good Capper an Ikon was faster n goose shit on ice.It was Soul you saw there doin the hand offs.
lol na mate I'm all about havin fun, those days are long gone.
used to it ? hehe hell I started half of it in Australian TWL :D
From release in T1 I played HO/HoF only, I was a little too trigger happy so my clan mates wanted me at the pointy end so I wasn't shooting at them :D.....I played Base only