- person U2boy
- alternate_email brieuc.mateear@ubgznvyrne@hotmail.com
- perm_contact_calendar Member since
- today Last active (0 visits)
Your life must be boring to spend your time to annoy people on the web. ;D
I totally agree with you !!!
I remember few years ago (maybe 2003) when gamers had team spirit and strategy... One of the best time was when several gamers bought 4 or 5 tanks and waiting the other one before leaving. We could see 5 tanks crossing the map in line. And when they arrived at the ennemy base, it was the end of the world for them. And we…
I've never met such an hypocrite like you in 8 years of Tribes 2. Offensive, manipulator and stupid. Hopefully I warned the admin. I hope I'll never see you again...