- person Vazolyth
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This is a game that I would pay $100 to buy it's remastered form. Spent alot of my childhood in the construction mod <3
I don't think anyone plays
They're predicting by 2010-2011 for the first PB hard drive, and it'll cost $750
Oh nevermind, I guess that one's just $999. Looks like he copy/pasted from here:
I don't think he's getting that... no parents are going to buy their 12 year old son a $2500 computer..
Fix: Play in windowed mode.
Spyware is a type of virus.
It was just straight up down for the last 30 minutes :P
Umm, seriously?
Glad someone saw what I saw :D
I knew it.
Phantom, your sig humors me. Just an FYI, anyone playing it right now is beta testing. You're absolutely right, DudeBot is to blame. Retard.
I've been getting that UE lately too, just setting the affinity to CPU 1 instead of 1-4 fixed it. Thanks Thyth.
Welcome back to Tribes.
I never had a problem when I had a x1900 before I got my 9800 GT.
lol, it'd pull more than 25 fps on regular settings. And who the fuck cares about CoD4 ? He wanted a graphics card thats under $75 and will play Tribes. The 4650 will do perfectly fine.
Shadowex, do your research before you go spouting.
I take it you got the idea for this after I called you a troll?
adminplayer votes are disabled on Krash's server. When you're kicked by a player vote, it's something like a 3-minute ban.
I'm on the left.
It plays fine for me with DivX installed.
Punkbuster doesn't work on it.
My 2 favorite RPG/MMO games were T2 and Nox.
I like your avatar Shane. Look @ my sig!
ok thanks Krash.