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Yeah I agree, people hide behind their anonymity to act in ways they wouldn't normally act. The thing is, when a community accepts and enables this type of behavior, the behavior continues. Unfortunately it seems this type of immature behavior in T2 is just normal common practice, regardless of whether it is good…
I think the default vl2 files have no compression, but I could be wrong. Either way I think it works. It's pretty fool proof, I know this fool tried it :)
If someone says to you "you're the dumbest person I know" and I say to that person "well that's overly harsh!", I think you might appreciate my statement, right? What if I were to mind my own business and not say anything? My point is, there's times when people need to point out if someone is being verbally abusive. People…
OT: Yes guys I made bomberhud and vecterhud. I've had T2 since april 2001, been playing off and on (mostly off) since then.
Well for me, I really don't enjoy games where people act like jerks. I think many people would agree that a game is much more enjoyable without players acting like jerks.
If you're saying "expect jerks on the internet", that's a fallacy: appeal to common practice. It's too late to explain what this means, I'll elaborate tomorrow lol
death_to_all, dude, spell clan with a "c", never a "k". When you spell clan with a "k", it looks like you're recruiting for the KKK, since they spell clan with a "k". I sincerely hope you're not trying to make connections with the KKK, so please, do us all a favour, spell clan properly, with a "c". Besides, in Tribes 2,…
I find the mine/grenade spamming in classic lame, but overall it seems more fast paced.
Thanks BlazingRoach for the links. That script site has bomberhud, that's a glitch script ;) (cough lol)
All PNG files are in the vl2 files. VL2 files are just renamed zip files with 0 compression.
WOW! Good to see GTW around again!