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Philly repreSENT
LOL WTF. That shit is bananas...b-a-n-a-n-a-s
Cake > Pie. Although pie is good as well.
You sir, are a true addict.
Let's ban everyone with purple sensors on TWL.
Does it matter where? What I mean is, do some servers regulate that sort of stuff so that it cannot be used?
I just dl'd the script and assigned keys. Doesn't work for me :-( Maybe I'll fool around with it tomorrow.
You're my hero
You truly do have a "blakhart" 0_o
Sounds right. I vaguely remember that. After a quick glance in tribaloutpost, I didn't see it. If anyone out there knows of its presence, a link would be nice ;-)
I never actually answered this question. I would go with Mandarin (I think someone mentioned that before). It is the most commonly spoken language in the world. There are nearly double the people speaking it when compared with English (the second most common language in the world). As a side note, I'm not sure where…
Like I said, I have no idea where you went. You say large classes and student bodies are a negative, but I strongly disagree. What about networking for a job? A grad of the same school is much more inclined to take on a grad from the same big name school rather than a school they may never have heard of. As for the sports…
Lolz. Don't we all just love the "self proclaimed" best ats? They certainly amuse me.
Gotcha. I didn't really skip much school I guess until my senior year when my grades and GPA were fairly set. I still managed to drop for top 40 in my class to 66 or so if I remember lol. All in 2 marking periods as well. As for Abstract, he already said his name is Robert and not Roberto :/
He was talking about Robertom2002. His name was Robert, not Tom.
Not sure what community college you went to, but my university taught me more than I have learned my entire life. I don't believe 18 year old students can be quantified as day care participants.
I have a feeling his name isn't Tom, but is Robert. Maybe it's not (Robert)om2002 or even Rober(Tom)2002 and his name is something completely arbitrary?
Psssshhhh what's so weird about that. I do it all the time.
How did you guys fail so much? I never tried at all in HS and got good grades. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just curious. Did you never show up / miss tests?
This whole thread is hilarious. I'm pretty sure hilarious threads are basically what Christmas is around for. LOL
I was told there was possibly a way to actually convert them, but I guess screen capture is the most common. I was hoping for a conversion solution, but I guess it's not worth it. Thanks for the input.
I have trouble understanding the self proclaimed "best" tank driver statements. If you proclaim yourself the best at something, don't you simply lose credibility? How do you even measure such an acknowledgment? It's like me saying, "I'm the greatest president in American history." If I think that but nobody else agrees,…
River is that windows 95? Lol. Looks ancient.
If we are going to change the poll constantly, can we please add *insert inanimate object here* because something tells me that will have just about as much validity as this thread currently has haha
I smell fraud in this poll.
LOL. Made me laugh. Anyway, talent, you're not. Of course many people get paid to play decade old video games. I just said that to make all the unpaid "fools" feel better about themselves. Oh and AAO is embarrassed. Plz take his name off. Lol
Orange was also good. I do remember him wrecking me all day long haha. Either way, its really not worth getting upset over on anyones part. This is t2, not a career you're losing. When it comes down to it, t2 is t2 and nothing more.
So you want to know who is the best MA'er around currently? The problem with answering this question relating to the past, as AnarchAO pointed out to me, is that the bets changed over time. This is a completely valid point. The best today most likely wasn't the best 3 years ago. I haven't seen Distorter on lately, but I…
f0sho is probably one of the best arena players i played with, but distorter was easily, and I mean EASILY the best lak player I ever played with. He would come in to tacos, someone would have 1000 points, and he would beat them to 1500. It was simply amazing.