- person danohtwo
- alternate_email qnabugdanohtjb@tznwo@gmavy.pbzil.com
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oh trust me im really well versed my ipod has everything on it from classical to modern death metal bands liek slipknot. chekc me out everybody
lol, do you think you could maybe pick some more white person backpacker rap? i think you forgot to list such venerable acts white people like, such as jurassic 5 or deltron 3030 also manowar/three days grace/breaking benjamin. haha
this is how swine flu started
hey pj sorry about my harsh words here is some new space for your scripts
anyone listening to that abortion of music you keep referring to as a cover (what are you covering? any random 14 year old's first day with a guitar?) would say that you really clearly have no idea what the hell you're doing.
because now in order to know that something is miserably bad you have to be technically proficient at it or something? i don't have to know how to shred like any number of retards that sit at guitar center all weekend playing the first 3 bars of stairway and then tapping around the neck like a moron to know that you can't…
i made it about 50 seconds in and it was really truly one of the worst things i have ever heard. why don't you give up on the shredding for a bit and concentrate on theory so you can write something that actually works with a backing track and isn't just hey check out random guitar over this tribes 2 music. really truly…
its you
this melodramatic post about clicking a mouse at some dude on a vpad in a videogame brought to you by you're stupid as hell and your video sucks
you're in but now your name is the | midfielder with the twl records from 14 years ago
congratulations you get the joke kill yourself
lmao stop talkin bout YOURSELF the |sniepr owns
hey you big maroon you should not post in here unless its tos ay that the |sniper OWNS
tribes 2 is that stroke victim
hey anyone remember that chick terri schiavo, the one that had a stroke or whatever and was oxygen deprived so she was basically braindead and just a husk of a person but noone would just let the poor thing die? yeah i dunno i just thought of that for some reason. probably doesn't have to do with anything.
i voted no. i am not sure if you heard about this but tribes 2 has been dead for years and years. the community is a weird husk populated by the diehards and the idiots that are still seeking the fame they weren't good enough to have when people actually played (and they will never actually attain it anyway. they are bad.)…
bros i totaly forgot w/ how hyped i was on that 1337 (that spells leet in 1337 speak which is also owngs) but hears the descrtiption for the video. it tells a ll story about our hero THE | Snipper i wrote it mself i hope you like it One of the greatest marksmen ever to play tribes 2 has made a video of some gaming in…
dan-o2 (dws) i'm on it [vx] or something sukcs lots of other things
whoever wrote my wiki page should be commended also
well the point is that if you want to learn to play better you might as well learn from people who aren't terrible and will do nothing but pass on their terrible habits to you, and the people who aren't terrible generally congregate on irc. if you're going to learn from bad people you might as well not even expend the…
i'd be willing to adopt terranova