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Thanks, thats a great idea! Might be about a week off though as a power surge fried my motherboard, and the replacement i got was faulty, but when I get that box back up i'll get right on it.
For those of you who doubted that the efforts made by myself and others would bring visibility to the alternate master server that is currently up and running hundreds of games every day, I just wanted to announce that the Tribes 2 Necrosis Repack has had well over 200 downloads every week since it was released, and…
thats exactly what i mean to do, as soon as theres a tangible product which is superior in quality to the solution i'm currently directing attention to
right i'm not suggesting otherwise, meanwhile if you want to play right now, or later tonight, or something to that effect, the resources are available now, and i've repackaged them into a simple single file installer. In the meantime, i'm also extremely interested in the tribesnext project, and i also believe that it will…
as of right now, there isn't anything to be confused about, people coming to tribesnext want to play tribes 2, when they don't see a way to do it right now, they might lose interest. I'm providing them with an immediate solution. as for getting them to switch from one to the other, as you mentioned, i'm just trying to make…
the intention isnt to confuse anyone. if you are a new user and search for information about playing tribes 2 right now... its not clear that there is a way to play at all, most likely you'll get a load of pages about how the servers have been shut down and theres no keys left for circulation etc. also, you make it sound…
perhaps, but apparently there are still several people out there who have no idea where to start. i wouldn't go so far as to say 'pretty much everyone'. maybe the die hard veterans who follow along with the scene, but this is intended for people who may just now be returning for a look at a game they fondly remember after…
well in effect, thats what i've done... but now i've removed the voicepacks and maps, and basically retooled it to be a fresh out of the box installation. The purpose of all of this is just to provide a way for people to get the game in the first place. Many people have never even heard of tribes. But for those who have…