- person kyred
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Well, according to T2 scripts, handling projectile spread uses w=0 (ie. MatrixMulVector). However, in that scenario the matrix itself is not a transform, but instead a rotation matrix (created via MatrixCreateFromEuler). And the vector is actually a direction, not a position. Which now makes a ton of sense now that I have…
Right, but that brought up the question "what is 'W'?" I still don't quite know qualitatively what it is. Just what it being 1 or 0 implies for these functions, now that I've stepped through them.
Okay, the differences is slight, but still there. Both functions end up here: inline void m_matF_x_point3F(const F32 *m, const F32 *p, F32 *presult){ AssertFatal(p != presult, "Error, aliasing matrix mul pointers not allowed here!"); #ifdef TORQUE_COMPILER_GCC const F32 p0 = p[0], p1 = p[1], p2 = p[2]; const F32 m0 = m[0],…
I was curious how far mount-ception could go. I'll give this a try. The reason why I asked was because I came across MatrixMulPoint while reading a google preview on one of the TGE books, but could not find it in the scripts. It sounds like it takes a localized point (ie. w/ respect to the origin) and applies a given…
I actually ran across that document a few weeks ago, but had trouble finding it again. Didn't realize you were the one who put it together. As an aside, it's interesting that there's both a MatrixMulVector and a MatrixMulPoint. What's the difference, I wonder. As for the conecast, that was a play on words. I was just…
Using a weapon image for the ELFProjectile works too. But as I said, I was limited to what looked like a 180 degree arc in front of the player. At first, it was a 30 degree arc, until I found the BeamHitWidth parameter by doing a dump(). Tried setting it to 360, but it looks like it caps it (I'm guessing the cap is at 180,…
Well, I did it. I created an ELF turret to create the ELF beam, literally off the top of my head :P But in all seriousness, this was a pain in the butt. I could use an ELF projectile and spawn it from a turret_muzzlepoint.dts image, but the beam tracking is limited to a 180 degree arc in front of the player. So a turret is…
Turns out I was dead wrong. Did some more experimenting just now. The projectile was spawning, but it was inside the player, causing it to collide with the player. :-[ I'm guessing that's what you mean by muzzle transform, Blakhart?
So far, it's pretty much just me directly working on it. But I'm having lots of support from others on this forum with getting up to speed on Torque. As I've probably said multiple times at this point, most of my experience comes from extensively modifying Tribes 1 RPG. I'll hit you up over steam. This gives me an excuse…
Thanks for the heads up. The information I'm sending is hard coded on the server side and only needs to be sent to the client once on connection. That's why I was musing with the idea of using a datablock. But if the client side scripts can't get the information out of the datablock, then there's no point. The alternative…
Thanks for the responses. This stuff is good to know. You guys went more in depth than expected, which I appreciate. In terms of my second question, I suspect it would be UDP. The only evidence I have for support is that I only ever port forwarded UDP on my router for the server, and things still work. I didn't even know…
Honestly, I'm not too worried about the codebase itself. Much of it was taken (albeit somewhat sloppily) from Tribes 1 RPG. While it is still somewhat of a mess, to me it's a mess I'm familiar and can work with. But it still can use some improvements. I've already cleaned up most of the giant chat function so that commands…
Simply swinging your sword was always boring in T1RPG. But other skills and weapons can make it a little more interesting. The bashing skill is always fun, as it powers up your next hammer weapon hit and causes knockback. At high levels, you can send someone flying up a mountain and into the horizon. In TvT, we would…
I eventually settled on using the "delete-and-spawn" method you mentioned. It's a trick that modders (myself included) used on Tribes 1 as well, as the Darkstar engine had the same limitation. I was hoping to get around this to preserve sound effects. The result can be seen in this video…
I've made quite a bit of progress over the past week. * Added NPC piloted ferry that moves from Ethren, Keldrin, Delkin, and Jaten * Server actively sends character information to the client, for client-side script support * Added numerical HP and MP display. Updates periodically * Reworked Bonus state system. Now bonuses…
I'm doing....something?
Would anyone happen to know where I can get the Tribes 2/TorqueGE particle editor (aka. particleEditor.vl2)? I can't find any working links. Update: I was able to find the particle editor for TGE, that was derived from the Tribes 2 editor. Still can't find the one for Tribes 2. Worse case scenario, I can just re-adapt the…
Last night I learned you cannot change the velocity/direction of a projectile in mid flight. And you can only set or change the target of a Seeker projectile on the same tick the projectile is created. Also, if you change the velocity of a projectile's datablock and reload the script, the server and client datablocks will…
The debugger in TribalIDE looks really handy. I haven't had much luck getting it to connect to a server, though :/
Are there any good remaining resources for Tribes 2 mod scripting? So far, I've been relying on the dump() function to get me the information I need about internal functions. Made a ton of progress so far. The code is in a state now that I can make new content without having to worry about rewriting it later. Just…
I can work with poorly constructed code. That part doesn't worry me. Though, for my own sanity I'll probably fix it by attrition. Knowing myself, doing a full reformatting of the code all at once would bore me away from the project. I'll get more done and stay motivated if I reformat things as I'm working on implementing…
Pardon me while I revive this thread. I hope no one minds, since it's still on the front page. Recently, I came across Jusctsch's repository on github. My original plan was to host a server for some of my local friends and introduce them to TRPG (figured T2 would be easier on the eyes for them). While testing and messing…