- person mindvirust2
- alternate_email immortal-kingdoms@live.com
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- today Last active (0 visits)
with the source you can do what ya want
this t3d game is based on 10 lands each on a different server for stability cause we all now torqe and stabillity :P but i have alot of solo work in this game and it does work network emplemented and all so i hope everyone enjoys it
cant steal somthin that never ran mor like steeling the idea and building it into its own engine istead of a mod and yes t3d is not the best engine but its what i know and seems to be working just fine been working on this project for a year and how i came up with the money well hmm i own a computer company so i have the…
for one homeboy i have a license for 2 been working on this project for a year SOLO i do now torqescript so i guess re asses your usumptions :P
good deal ill expect hearing from you then
my msn is tribesrpg@live.com contact me throught there it will be easyer for me to explain to ya
what do ya need to know im a modler
yes we still need a coder come to our irc channel on irc.arloria.net #tribes-rpg
yes that would be great you can go to our forums on the website to get ahold of us http://tribesrpg.servegame.com thanks