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Friday push
Reminder time, since it's Friday
Things have picked up lately. Come join us tonight for a good match :D
Tonight... come join us.
Friendly Fight Night reminder.... it's very late to inform/remind you, but our fight night is going on....... NOW! Come join us, even if it's late. We have guys playing into the wee hours
Yeah, I remember you. I'm glad I checked in today, since I don't check this site as often anymore. I didn't catch you this weekend (unless you joined under a new name). All the info you need is in the original post. It has the download link for the installer, the start time, and the mumble server (for chatting). We also…
Welllll of course. Just after I posted this, I decided to check my port settings, and IRC ports were not set to open on my firewall (not set to block either though). Anyway, I updated my port settings, and no more error (IRC or UE). Since I didn't see a way to delete this thread, I figure it can exist for others :)
Come celebrate my birthday and Cinco de Mayo
Avoid the Royal Wedding nonsense, and join us in battle tonight
Come get some! It's Friday!
Come get some TAC luvin' tonight
I haven't done a reminder in over a month.... stop on by :) That new map is part of the server now, and people seem to like it
Friendly Friday reminder
Friday again Here's one of our new maps (Colosseum)
Not only have we changed to Mumble, but we now have an installer/updater for the mod. No more seeking out new maps or other downloads. Even if you already have the mod, and want to join us for battle, download the installer and run it. From then on, when you start the mod, it will check for updates and offer to auto…
For those who like to join us, and use Teamspeak, please note that, as of this week, we are changing to using Mumble instead of Teamspeak. Mumble is much clearer than TS and it provides an overlay in game. Here's the server info for Mumble: VOICE-TX1.BRANZONE.COM:64740 (Pass: tac)
I'll be jumping on there shortly... I was kind of wondering why guys like you drop so early. I figure, if you're getting up that early, why do you need to drop? But obviously, it's because you were up all night ;)
Traffic has been picking up lately. Join us and get some Tribes 2 goodness
Just a last minute pimp/reminder
I hope everyone had a good holiday... maybe you got a new computer? Come try it out with some TAC2 action :D
I know you didn't forget.... but just in case ;) 'Tis Friday Night
Reminder bump. The last few weeks have been pretty damn fun. You should come in for part of it.
Still going
Come get some... time for some gaming :D
We play fairly late, so if we start to early for you, you should still try joining when you are available. We'll probably still be playing (or the late guys will enjoy the boost)
Tonight! Be there!
'Tis Friday if you want to join us tonight :D
American EST.... DIdn't know there was any other. Game going on NOW btw :)
Just a reminder for those who want to join us tonight :D