Where have a I been?

Randomly decided to search out the old-school T2 Community yesterday. Came across this, and saw there was a decent amount of activity. Though I haven't been a regular to playing in... well, years obviously, decided to download and patch and join the fun. Use to be a nightly regular to the CPA MouseMod server back when. If i'm going to play again, I definitly want to be playing on the mostly full and competitive servers.

How have you guys been? Are there a couple servers that get full nightly? I want to play!


  • There are a couple servers that continue to remain populated night after night. Goon Haven, for the highly populated 64 player server fans and Branzone for the more serious die-hard classic fan. I personally hang out in Lexic's arena. It fills up nightly as well.
  • Welcome back man!

    Invite your friends..
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