
edited January 2014 in General Discussion


  • You don't need to know math, but if you have trouble learning math you are going to have trouble learning programming. The first language I learned was PHP, which isn't used for anything other than webpages, but once you know one language is fairly easy to learn any other. There's no reason to buy a book or spend any money. You can find every kind of tutorial you could ever want for free online. For game development, C++ is the language you want, but it'll be years before you are proficient enough at any language to do something like develop a game. PHP is probably a really easy starting language since it's simple and forgiving, and really easy to practice since all you need is access to any web host that supports PHP (you can find plenty of free ones through Google).
  • You'll end up not wanting to make games.

    Generally, you need some mathematical knowledge to be able to program.
    For many tasks, you will need lots of math.
    If you want to be a good programmer, and a game programmer, you will have to work on your math.

    Different programmers do different things, and they learn different languages to do those things. To write games, you'll end up needing to know C/C++ at some point.

    You won't be able to do this overnight.
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