OMGBBQ I's Looking for match ppls TEAM and stuff!

.......Stupidity aside, I'm looking for a team. I played T2 since iots inception. In quick, heres some of the usual info. I know I've contacted (or tried) some of the poeple on the site that were or are looking for players. This is more or less just to make sure this gets out if the PMs dont go through.

Good @ HO (since day 1) / LD /

Enjoy - Farming (FIGURE THAT SHIT!!!) / Capping (not bad but can subsitute if needed)

Past tribes: Some *crap 2 week tribe called -SA- (Silver Hawks) , AC (Ahriman Corps)

* just wanted to say, I'm not one to bad mouth unless its just the very end of the line...but i say this b/c the guy just rounded up a bunch of people and started TKing all the ppl on his server.....except the ppl on SA, so almost immediatly everyone hated us.


  • Get in #lastgasp on

    That's where the teams recruit.
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