Turrets that shoot at both teams.

I want to add turrets to a team, besides team 0, 1 and 2. that fire upon everyone, without players being able to join that team and not mess up the general 1 team vs 1 team in CTF.

Can it be done?


  • edited May 2009
    You can set the turret to be on any team you want in the editor, most likely.
    If you don't set the turret to any team, it should fire on every one..
  • scripts/turret.cs line 213:
    function TurretData::selectTarget(%this, %turret)

    Modify this function to your liking, or give your turret datablock it's own selectTarget() code.
  • edited May 2009
    You don't need to do it the way keen said...
    This map has turrets that fire on both teams and they are indestructible.
    The turret is set to team 0. and you would have team 1 and 2.
    try setting your turret to team 3.

    The Forgotten Lands of KUTULU.
    Chapter 2: Caldra

    new Turret(Team0TurretBaseLarge27)
    position = "89.4862 323.077 135.172";
    rotation = "0.449899 0.631754 -0.631251 131.52";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    dataBlock = "TurretBaseLarge";
    lockCount = "0";
    homingCount = "0";
    initialBarrel = "PlasmaBarrelLarge";
    team = "0";
    invincible = "1";
    locked = "true";
    Target = "91";
  • You don't need to do it the way keen said...
    This map has turrets that fire on both teams and they are indestructible.
    The turret is set to team 0. and you would have team 1 and 2.
    try setting your turret to team 3.

    The Forgotten Lands of KUTULU.
    Chapter 2: Caldra

    new Turret(Team0TurretBaseLarge27)
    position = "89.4862 323.077 135.172";
    rotation = "0.449899 0.631754 -0.631251 131.52";
    scale = "1 1 1";
    dataBlock = "TurretBaseLarge";
    lockCount = "0";
    homingCount = "0";
    initialBarrel = "PlasmaBarrelLarge";
    team = "0";
    invincible = "1";
    locked = "true";
    Target = "91";

    or you could listen to keen and do it the exact same way I did it. Look for the check that sees if the turret's sensor group matches your own. add a %turret.canFireAtAll var to your turret, and then call it from there.
  • This script should do it for you. http://www.tribaloutpost.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4807&postcount=18

    Make sure you exec() it at the end of the mission file and that you distribute your mission with it.
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