See through walls

I can get on to the game and on to servers but some walls are see through. Or when i play construction the beams i build are only visible on one side, but on the other side they are invisible. I am using vista and i think that's the problem. Is there a patch or something i could do to fix it?


  • It's most likely your graphics card. Make sure you have the latest drivers.
  • edited June 2009
    how do i check :-\

    edit: I just checked and it says its up to date.

    edit2: heres a video to help
  • Sounds like hax.

    Tell us your in-game name so we can ban you.

    PS: Go to the video card manufacturer's website and look for downloads and a new driver. The dumb Windows thing always says the drivers are updated (even when they are years behind the current release).
  • Make sure you're running on OpenGL mode and not Direct3D mode after you have gone to your video card manufacturer's website and downloaded the latest drivers for your video card.
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