So I was on the Bittah website yesterday. I think it was yesterday? But whatever, there was this dude posting demo's weekly of every demo he had for like the past 5 yrs or something like that. I thought it was pretty cool. One sentence caught me and it said that MadRabbit was the best LD in the US. I haven't been playing to long so I missed the golden days of T2

Anywho, I just wanted to know because then I can search up some demo's and learn from them maybe?

Anywho, I just wanted to know because then I can search up some demo's and learn from them maybe?
the best were myself, sterio, and homerpf from classic on
base++ the best ld was the endless aka phoenix
EDIT: My bad for two posts!
I was implying that MR was one of the best in the US during base and ++, based only on the demos I've seen. If someone can furnish me with better base/++ LD demos from US players I'd be happy to be shown how wrong I was. That I added possibly to my quote should have been enough to stop a "who was the best" clusterfek.
As an aside I was watching a very early classic match between R and A and saw MR playing on A.... only on that one match... anyone know why he stopped?