Way to unmute everyone?

I've muted quite a lot of people in the Goon server (mostly osiris and stoner clowns though) and I'm worried it might cause me to miss something. Sometimes in a bomber no one will say anything, which is strange.

So does anyone know what file the list of muted users is in? If not, is there a way to do it in-game(without manually going through every name)?



  • ingame, you just right click their name and if they are muted, it'll will say unmute.
    for file wise... maybe in your pref files??? not sure though
  • I believe it dumps that information to prefs/ClientPrefs.cs, otherwise in-game should work...
  • edited October 2009
    In your files, these will be exported to prefs/pyrdb[yourGUID] - but are intended to be read by the game itself, so won't have any names listed. To unmute everyone, just delete the file (and any duplicates of it) while the game is closed, and it will be reset to the default.
  • Thanks Krash, that worked.
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