I am back!

Im back after Nukem dragged me into eve i am finally back, but im having troubles making a account for tribes next, it says server is not avaiable, should i come back in a hour or has it been like this for a while now? But has anything changed you guys need to fill me in!


  • Hi
    Did you install the tn patch?
  • Have you read the FAQs?
  • Ok i think this is the reason
    "Your firewall is blocking connection attempts to the auth server. Add an exception for both TCP and UDP on all ports and and retry."
    How would i do this?
  • Typically you're given the option to "keep blocking" or "unblock" or something similar when you run the program. If that doesn't show up, go into your firewall's settings and look for an "Add exception" or "Add program" dialogue.

    Can you tell us what firewall you are using? (most use Windows Firewall)
    What anti-virus are you using? (AVG is almost always the cause of problems for every support request)
  • edited May 2010
    It is AVG and when it pops up i hit unblock
    Edit: Ok i reinstalled avg without the link scanner, and when i try to register it still says that "the server adress has not yet been retrieved", help?
  • Using a router are we?
  • Im using a sprint air card
  • this is now out of my league, as much as i hate to ever admit such
  • :o well i really wanna play :(
  • Hop on irc sometime and idle there (ask a question and then wait until people are available to answer).
  • what os r u using, and do you have a firewall up?
  • I just un installed it and installed in my laptop now its sayin that the server is unreachable, im using same internet and everything except AVG.
  • Im sorry but double post:
    I finally got it to work, after copying my files onto this computer i re-registerd with a new account "The Kool Aid Man" and i UE everytime i try to go on goons! ahhhh help!!
  • Uninstall cheats.
  • lol!

    seriously, go into the gamedata/base folder and delete all dso files then try again
  • Reviving this thread sorry:
    I deleted tribes and gave up but now i m back to try again, i am pretty sure its my aircard that is the problem, because i have the same problem with Ventrillo, well it wont let me connect, but if i shut off the card, hit connect i get a message that says: "However, you have connected to this server before and the las known IP adress was rememberd. Would u like to try using the last know IP adress" i hit yes and recconnect my aircard and bam its works, so leads me to believe my aircard is changing my IP adress when ever i connect? Could this be true? or am i just messing up and forgot to unblock somthing some were( i have actually already went through my firewall and unblocked tribes and i looked at the add port and wasnt sure what to do with it) just help please :)
  • What is an air card? Is that some wifi thingy?
  • Its a card u plug into a usb slot, but i was playing with stuff last night and i used me old aircard software to connect to the internet and bam it worked!! I have absolutly no idea how its the same exact internet and everything just a diffrent little box that i hit connect in, but i think it was the other one changing my ip adress, cause thats all i can think of. but i got it and see u all ingame some time!
  • sometimes mobile carriers choose to block certain ports or gaming things... make sure to contact ur provider about that and ask them about any restrictions on internet use and gaming over the air card. Also, the air card might have a built in firewall???
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