XP or Vista? Other?
Hey guys, I'm a Mac guy and have had marginal success with TN Rc1 and crossover games in the past, but I'm going to be installing boot camp within the next week or two and am wondering what version of windows I should install that will best run T2. Thanks for any suggestions
P.S. Probably a stupid question but will I need to make a new account or should everything be fine if I just log in on my old TN name on windows?
P.S. Probably a stupid question but will I need to make a new account or should everything be fine if I just log in on my old TN name on windows?
In any case, either version of Windows should work fine in Bootcamp.
And is it just me or do you get less UE's with Vista? I get them once in a while, but on XP I had them several times a day.
But I will agree with Robert. The game was designed for XP so I would recommend XP.
Also, Robert can you keep an avatar/signature for more than a week?
Wasn't the game designed for 98?