Okay..First off..Who's the BEST member in the clan at Tribes2?
Would they duel me?
How do you rank up?
Are there anyways to rank up faster?
If your good does that mean you get a higher rank?
I MAY want to join if the answers are what I prefer :P
Okay..First off..Who's the BEST member in the clan at Tribes2?
Would they duel me?
How do you rank up?
Are there anyways to rank up faster?
If your good does that mean you get a higher rank?
I MAY want to join if the answers are what I prefer :P
Best member for Tribes2 in Major is Floater and me
Yes we will duel you
Show dedication and support
Yes there are ways to rank up faster. I think MaJoR going to Tribes2 will bring new Ranks.
If your good, you will be ranked by skill.
Would they duel me?
How do you rank up?
Are there anyways to rank up faster?
If your good does that mean you get a higher rank?
I MAY want to join if the answers are what I prefer :P
Best member for Tribes2 in Major is Floater and me
Yes we will duel you
Show dedication and support
Yes there are ways to rank up faster. I think MaJoR going to Tribes2 will bring new Ranks.
If your good, you will be ranked by skill.
But I want a duel next time we meet up :P
iamecko is my addy
(and i bet that's not the first time that joke's been made)
Wouldn't see why Xfire wouldn't work with this newly patched Tribes, right?