My Server, accm, twm, construction. defcon
in my subject it names a few mods. i have tried them all and i get the same problem on all of them.. i cannot turn on pure build or change the map to the game mode i want. Chat commands, admin commands, purebuild, zombie spawning, none if it works. but the serve goes online just like it should and anyone can join. the ListGUIDs(); command doesnt work in my console either. Someone please help me. ( if possible show me a line i need to edit or anything. Below is what i have as my Prefs
*************************this is the acccm mod prefs****************************************************
$Host::AdminList = "2374380";
$Host::allowAdminPlayerVotes = "0";
$Host::AllowMapScript = 1;
$Host::AllowUnderground = 1;
$Host::BanTime = 1800;
$Host::BotCount = 2;
$Host::BotMatchBotCount = "0";
$Host::BotsEnabled = "0";
$host::canZombie = 0;
$Host::Cascade = 0;
$Host::CRCTextures = 0;
$Host::Dedicated = 1;
$Host::ExpertMode = 1;
$Host::FloodProtectionEnabled = 1;
$Host::GameName = "Warefare Last Surivior- Wig&Zach";
$Host::HiVisibility = "0";
$Host::holoName1 = "Storm";
$Host::holoName2 = "Inferno";
$Host::holoName3 = "Starwolf";
$Host::holoName4 = "DSword";
$Host::holoName5 = "BloodEagle";
$Host::holoName6 = "Harbinger";
$Host::Info = "This server is running CCM. On Zombie Survival mode.";
$Host::InvincibleArmors = 0;
$Host::InvincibleDeployables = 0;
$Host::KickBanTime = 300;
$Host::Map = "FlatlandBig";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsAbominable_CnH = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsAgentsOfFortune_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsAlcatraz_Siege = "-1 48";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsArchipelago_CTF = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsAshesToAshes_CnH = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsBeggarsRun_CTF = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsCaldera_Siege = "-1 48";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Bounty = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_DM = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Hunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDamnation_CTF = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDeathBirdsFly_CTF = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDesiccator_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_CTF = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_Hunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_CnH = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_DM = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Bounty = "16 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_DM = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Hunters = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Rabbit = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_TeamHunters = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CnH = "-1 24";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CTF = "-1 24";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsFlashpoint_CnH = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsGauntlet_Siege = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_Hunters = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_TeamHunters = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsIcebound_Siege = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsInsalubria_CnH = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsJacobsLadder_CnH = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsKatabatic_CTF = "-1 48";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMasada_Siege = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMinotaur_CTF = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_DM = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Hunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Rabbit = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsOasis_DM = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsOverreach_CnH = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsQuagmire_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_Bounty = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRecalescence_CTF = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRespite_Siege = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsReversion_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRimehold_Hunters = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRiverdance_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSanctuary_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSirocco_CnH = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSlapdash_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_Bounty = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_DM = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsTalus_Bounty = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsThinIce_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsTombstone_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsUltimaThule_Siege = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_Bounty = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_DM = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_Bounty = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_DM = "8 -1";
$Host::MarkDnDObjectives = 1;
$Host::MaxBotDifficulty = "0.99";
$Host::MaxMessageLen = 120;
$Host::MaxPlayers = "20";
$Host::MinBotDifficulty = "0";
$Host::MissionType = "Infection";
$Host::Nerf::DanceAnim = "1";
$Host::Nerf::DeathAnim = "0";
$Host::Nerf::Enabled = 0;
$Host::Nerf::Prison = "0";
$Host::Nerf::PrisonTime = "10";
$Host::NoDeployEffects = 1;
$host::nopulseSCG = 0;
$Host::NoSmurfs = 0;
$Host::OnlyOwnerCascade = 1;
$Host::OnlyOwnerCubicReplace = 0;
$Host::OnlyOwnerDeconstruct = 1;
$Host::OnlyOwnerRotate = 1;
$Host::PlayerRespawnTimeout = "60";
$Host::Port = "28000";
$Host::Prison::DeploySpam = 1;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamCheckTimeMS = 1000;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamMaxTime = 300;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamMultiply = 1;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamRemoveRecentMS = 15000;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamResetWarnCountTime = 30;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamTime = 60;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamWarnings = 10;
$Host::Prison::Enabled = 0;
$Host::Prison::JailMode = 0;
$Host::Prison::Kill = 0;
$Host::Prison::KillTime = 120;
$Host::Prison::ReleaseMode = 1;
$Host::Prison::TeamKill = 1;
$Host::Purebuild = 1;
$Host::PureServer = "1";
$Host::RepairPatchOnDeath = 0;
$Host::SatchelChargeEnabled = 1;
$Host::Siege::Halftime = 20000;
$host::slowmodist = 100;
$Host::StationHoldTime = 1600;
$Host::SuperAdminList = "2148110\t2374380\t2529744\t2492457";
$Host::TeamDamageOn = 0;
$Host::TeamName0 = "Unassigned";
$Host::TeamName1 = "Storm";
$Host::TeamName2 = "Inferno";
$Host::TeamName3 = "Starwolf";
$Host::TeamName4 = "Diamond Sword";
$Host::TeamName5 = "Blood Eagle";
$Host::TeamName6 = "Phoenix";
$Host::TeamSkin0 = "blank";
$Host::TeamSkin1 = "base";
$Host::TeamSkin2 = "baseb";
$Host::TeamSkin3 = "swolf";
$Host::TeamSkin4 = "dsword";
$Host::TeamSkin5 = "beagle";
$Host::TeamSkin6 = "cotp";
$Host::TimeLimit = "10080";
$Host::TN::beat = 3;
$Host::TN::echo = 1;
$Host::TournamentMode = "0";
$Host::Vehicles = 1;
$Host::VotePassPercent = "50";
$Host::VoteSpread = 20;
$Host::VoteTime = "35";
$Host::warmupTime = "0";
*************************this is the acccm mod prefs****************************************************
$Host::AdminList = "2374380";
$Host::allowAdminPlayerVotes = "0";
$Host::AllowMapScript = 1;
$Host::AllowUnderground = 1;
$Host::BanTime = 1800;
$Host::BotCount = 2;
$Host::BotMatchBotCount = "0";
$Host::BotsEnabled = "0";
$host::canZombie = 0;
$Host::Cascade = 0;
$Host::CRCTextures = 0;
$Host::Dedicated = 1;
$Host::ExpertMode = 1;
$Host::FloodProtectionEnabled = 1;
$Host::GameName = "Warefare Last Surivior- Wig&Zach";
$Host::HiVisibility = "0";
$Host::holoName1 = "Storm";
$Host::holoName2 = "Inferno";
$Host::holoName3 = "Starwolf";
$Host::holoName4 = "DSword";
$Host::holoName5 = "BloodEagle";
$Host::holoName6 = "Harbinger";
$Host::Info = "This server is running CCM. On Zombie Survival mode.";
$Host::InvincibleArmors = 0;
$Host::InvincibleDeployables = 0;
$Host::KickBanTime = 300;
$Host::Map = "FlatlandBig";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsAbominable_CnH = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsAgentsOfFortune_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsAlcatraz_Siege = "-1 48";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsArchipelago_CTF = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsAshesToAshes_CnH = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsBeggarsRun_CTF = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsCaldera_Siege = "-1 48";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Bounty = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_DM = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsCasernCavite_Hunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDamnation_CTF = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDeathBirdsFly_CTF = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDesiccator_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_CTF = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_Hunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsDustToDust_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_CnH = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEquinox_DM = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Bounty = "16 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_DM = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Hunters = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_Rabbit = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsEscalade_TeamHunters = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CnH = "-1 24";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsFirestorm_CTF = "-1 24";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsFlashpoint_CnH = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsGauntlet_Siege = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_Hunters = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsGehenna_TeamHunters = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsIcebound_Siege = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsInsalubria_CnH = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsJacobsLadder_CnH = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsKatabatic_CTF = "-1 48";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMasada_Siege = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMinotaur_CTF = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_DM = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Hunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsMyrkwood_Rabbit = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsOasis_DM = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsOverreach_CnH = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsQuagmire_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_Bounty = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRasp_TeamHunters = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRecalescence_CTF = "16 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRespite_Siege = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsReversion_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRimehold_Hunters = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsRiverdance_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSanctuary_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSirocco_CnH = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSlapdash_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_Bounty = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsSunDried_DM = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsTalus_Bounty = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsThinIce_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsTombstone_CTF = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsUltimaThule_Siege = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_Bounty = "-1 32";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsUnderhill_DM = "-1 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_Bounty = "8 -1";
$Host::MapPlayerLimitsWhiteout_DM = "8 -1";
$Host::MarkDnDObjectives = 1;
$Host::MaxBotDifficulty = "0.99";
$Host::MaxMessageLen = 120;
$Host::MaxPlayers = "20";
$Host::MinBotDifficulty = "0";
$Host::MissionType = "Infection";
$Host::Nerf::DanceAnim = "1";
$Host::Nerf::DeathAnim = "0";
$Host::Nerf::Enabled = 0;
$Host::Nerf::Prison = "0";
$Host::Nerf::PrisonTime = "10";
$Host::NoDeployEffects = 1;
$host::nopulseSCG = 0;
$Host::NoSmurfs = 0;
$Host::OnlyOwnerCascade = 1;
$Host::OnlyOwnerCubicReplace = 0;
$Host::OnlyOwnerDeconstruct = 1;
$Host::OnlyOwnerRotate = 1;
$Host::PlayerRespawnTimeout = "60";
$Host::Port = "28000";
$Host::Prison::DeploySpam = 1;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamCheckTimeMS = 1000;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamMaxTime = 300;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamMultiply = 1;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamRemoveRecentMS = 15000;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamResetWarnCountTime = 30;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamTime = 60;
$Host::Prison::DeploySpamWarnings = 10;
$Host::Prison::Enabled = 0;
$Host::Prison::JailMode = 0;
$Host::Prison::Kill = 0;
$Host::Prison::KillTime = 120;
$Host::Prison::ReleaseMode = 1;
$Host::Prison::TeamKill = 1;
$Host::Purebuild = 1;
$Host::PureServer = "1";
$Host::RepairPatchOnDeath = 0;
$Host::SatchelChargeEnabled = 1;
$Host::Siege::Halftime = 20000;
$host::slowmodist = 100;
$Host::StationHoldTime = 1600;
$Host::SuperAdminList = "2148110\t2374380\t2529744\t2492457";
$Host::TeamDamageOn = 0;
$Host::TeamName0 = "Unassigned";
$Host::TeamName1 = "Storm";
$Host::TeamName2 = "Inferno";
$Host::TeamName3 = "Starwolf";
$Host::TeamName4 = "Diamond Sword";
$Host::TeamName5 = "Blood Eagle";
$Host::TeamName6 = "Phoenix";
$Host::TeamSkin0 = "blank";
$Host::TeamSkin1 = "base";
$Host::TeamSkin2 = "baseb";
$Host::TeamSkin3 = "swolf";
$Host::TeamSkin4 = "dsword";
$Host::TeamSkin5 = "beagle";
$Host::TeamSkin6 = "cotp";
$Host::TimeLimit = "10080";
$Host::TN::beat = 3;
$Host::TN::echo = 1;
$Host::TournamentMode = "0";
$Host::Vehicles = 1;
$Host::VotePassPercent = "50";
$Host::VoteSpread = 20;
$Host::VoteTime = "35";
$Host::warmupTime = "0";