Missing resolutions previously avaliable with older Tribes 2.exe

Some of my more favorable windowed mode resolutions are no longer listed with other resolutions since the patch. Is this just circumstantial, or is it the patch?


  • Not patch related. We didn't touch rendering code.
  • Would you happen why this is happening? I suppose it really isn't a major topic to be discussing, but I miss that resolution.
  • edited January 2009
    Going fishing in the many resource files available to Tribes 2, I believe it should be possible to set the resolution directly in configuration files.

    I'm not sure if Tribes will reset the value out of its own initiative, but if you find and edit this line (in my case, reflecting a 1440x900 resolution), it should apply. The line for fullscreen or windowed is a few lines up, in my case.
    $pref::Video::resolution = "1440 900 32";

    [Edit] Suppose I should have remembered to note that this is in [tribes folder]/GameData/base/prefs/ClientPrefs.cs ;D
  • Thanks, I'll be sure to give that a shot.
  • Pretty much everything the game gives you as a menu option is available in clientprefs.cs.....
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