Server List via Web
I'm not sure if I should have this here, or in the general section, so feel free to move it if you want 
Anyway, I'm curious if it's possible to get the server list via the web, and how to go about it (what tables/columns to get if it's a database). I want to write up a PHP script to do this for my site, so people can check the status our server (without loading the game). I know you could do this with the old main servers with a gameserver query package, but I don't recall what it was and I have no clue if it would be adaptable for Tribesnext.

Anyway, I'm curious if it's possible to get the server list via the web, and how to go about it (what tables/columns to get if it's a database). I want to write up a PHP script to do this for my site, so people can check the status our server (without loading the game). I know you could do this with the old main servers with a gameserver query package, but I don't recall what it was and I have no clue if it would be adaptable for Tribesnext.
You can add the code to your site in an iframe or via popup. Obviously change the ip and port to match your servers.
Can't wait to see what you can do with it, I love the Tribes 1 list you posted
It takes about 20 - 30 seconds for it to query all the servers and load the page. I'll work on mimicking the in game browser later this week when I have time and cut down on the load times of the page. 8)
**EDIT on 26 Jan 09
See my sig for an updated link
Time LOL, What is that?? My wife and I are expecting twins very soon, my son turned 3 today and I have a full time job in the US military. Time LOL! Again I ask, what is that!
I created the above page last night in about 30 minutes, but those 30 minutes came in borrowed time in 5 minute incraments over a 4 hour time frame.
I love my family to death and will do anything for them, but holy smokes they are demanding! LOL
lol, I hear ya. Congrats on the upcoming twins btw. I have two daughters, and the demanding wife
Anyway, I'm REALLY rusty on PHP right now, and I'm also not sure how to parse the info I get from the server (is it a database, array, or a string?). So, I'd mainly like to see that part of it
Thank you.
What icons are you looking for? The logo/game icon? Or stuff from in game?
If you just want the small game logo, I found it on google:
I've been looking for XP theme packs with the cursor icons and can't find anything. I know they are in one of the vl2 files somewhere, but haven't located them yet.
New and improved version. Just so it's known I am working on a backend of some kind. Just incase TribesNext is down it will pull the servers from a database/text file and viewers can still view the page and see the cached servers.
Tribes 2 Master Server Query by » MaxOGC &
Forgot about the popup box for the server details. I will play around with that tonight and make it more ingameish
I got the backend working, actually it's double backed. It has a database backend and txt file for backups. I have them running on a cron job and updating every 6 hours. This way the info is kinda current if the TribesNext master server is down. But if the TN master is up it pulls directly from it.
Now to change that dang popup box layout.
Is a low-fi version needed for PDA's, cellphones and such??