LAN Training Help

-How Do I Create And Modify Them Properly?-
I wish to create training missions like you see in the Tribes 2 LAN Mode, although I have a basic understanding of how it's set up, I was wondering if someone could help me :P. The Only Files that I know of that help create that are Training1-4.cs and TrainingGUI.cs. Anyways I'm basically clue-less about this.


  • Jimomighty created a few tutorials way, way back. Not sure where they went. They used to be in the archives at

    If you can't find anything, I'll tell you what I know.
  • Yeah.... I can't find it :P Anything you can give to me in the form of knowledge is helpful and very much appreciated.

    On a related note, anyone have a bug-free base and classic mod? My is messed up (UE's everytime I try to place an object in editor). Its not very helpful when trying to create training maps...
  • edited December 2008
    Yeah.... I can't find it :P Anything you can give to me in the form of knowledge is helpful and very much appreciated.

    On a related note, anyone have a bug-free base and classic mod? My is messed up (UE's everytime I try to place an object in editor). Its not very helpful when trying to create training maps...

    I made a training mission once with ACCM and a base filled with VL2's. Your UE is probably a syntax error in the MIS file.
  • Actually, if you're crashing while placing interiors, you've probably got vertex lighting enabled. Disable this in your options and you should be fine.
    The MIS file is only accessed on save/load.

    Training missions are generally written basically as you did see in those that come with the game (there's also SinglePlayerGame.cs if you want to see more of the auxiliary functions). If you're looking for more examples, you should be able to find the aforementioned missions and a few others on map sites like
  • Thanks :D, Appreciate the help.
  • You could look here too.
  • Another Problem For Me...
    When I try to open up VL2 files by changing them to ZIP folders it always says that the ZIP folder is corrupted, I don't know how to fix it or what the problem with it is...
  • If you keep having issues with opening VL2s, you could try Zipeg. It'll let you view and extract stuff directly from VL2 files.
  • Wow, this is awesome, much appreciated Greenstorm33!
  • Off original topic, but when making a map, how do yo get a screen shot? Is it something supported by Tribes or do I need to download a program to do it?
  • Press "print screen" on your keyboard. If your screenshots are corrupted, press print screen then paste to MS Paint (or a similar image editing program).
  • Thanks Eolk, but I haven't gotten to the point where I have them, I was wondering if Tribes supported taking them, or if I need a different program for that...
  • How Do You Create A Spawn Graph For A Map?
  • Every time that I try to build a spawn graph in the AI editor it just closes Tribes, help would be appreciated.
  • If you have windows, you can use the command line.

    Open the cmd prompt and navigate to your gamedata folder.

    tribes2.exe -spnBuild Map Name Map Mission Type
  • I also tried that, though I'm less sure that I did it correctly, I'm not sure how to navigate to the gamedata folder
    I typed in cd C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\Gamedata\Tribes2.exe -spnBuild Name Type
    and I'm pretty sure that isn't correct.
  • cd C:\Dynamix\Tribes2\Gamedata\
    Would be correct.
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